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Conferenza Emma Bonino
Partito Radicale Maurizio - 28 agosto 1996
Visit to Finland by EU Commissioner Emma Bonino

Hufvudstadsbladet (liberal daily, in Swedish language) gives the visit by Madame Bonino considerable attention. In the article, the headline of which is "Why don't you buy your clothes in small boutiques?", the issues of fishery and consumer policy are covered. The quotas for Baltic herring and salmon were dealt with during the visit, and as far as herring is concerned Madame Bonino gives her support and understanding to the Finns. Concerning salmon, she says that she still has no opinion in the matter. Madame Bonino is also responsible for consumer policy. She emphasizes that the market has two legs, consumers and producers, and both need to be taken into consideration. The visit to the shopping center "Itäkeskus" is also covered in the article. A picture of Madame Bonino with her cigarette lighter in a chain is included.

Demari (social democratic daily) has a short article on the visit. It concentrates on the Baltic herring and salmon quotas. Madame Bonino says that one of the purposes of her visit to Finland is to get views and a picture of the situation in order to be able to make decisions.

Helsingin Sanomat (liberal daily) also concentrates on the understanding of Madame Bonino for Finnish herring fishing. Consumer policy is the other main subject of the article. The consumers need to get their share of the benefits of the free movement of goods and services, for instance in the field of financial services. The interest in Madame Bonino's visit to the Itäkeskus shopping center was not very great. The Commissioner herself started to ask questions of those passing by when no other questions were heard: "Do you get good service from your bank? Would you talce German insurance?" Humanitanan aid is described as Madame Bonino's most important task. The situation in Bosnia is the closest problem, and South East Asia is also mentioned.

Ilta-Sanomat (liberal evening daily) has a brief article on the visit, including a photo. Only fishery is mentioned, and the headline is "Boning evades dispute over salmon."

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