DAGENS NYHETER (swedish daily), page 15
By Mats Carlbom
Sweden hopes that North European views on development assistance will gain ground in the EU. To this end, the Swedish Foreign Ministry will discuss a strategically important appointment with Italian Commissioner Emma Bonino when she visits Sweden Thursday and Friday.
A top job will soon be vacant in the EU Commission. DN is informed that Spanish Santiago Gómez-Reino, head of the EU office for humanitarian aid, soon will move on to other tasks.
The Swedes are worried that he will be replaced by yet another South European.
North Europeans work with "programmes". The long term goal is to help third world countries to develop their societies on their own. Sweden, among other countries, argues that South Europeans on the other hand focus too much on short term, isolated projects.
The Swedes think that the latter approach has dominated ECHO (EU Commission's office for humanitarian aid). The Foreign Ministry wants to change this by trying to influence Emma Bonino to propose a North European for the post.
It does not have to be a Swede. A Dane or a Dutch will do just as well, as long es it is not a Spaniard or an Italian, according to a source at the Foreign Ministry. The probability that a Swede is appointed to the post is in reality rather small. At present, a head of unit is being appointed at the ECHO office, and this post is reserved for a Swede.