Gioventu' Federalista Europea
Sezione di Genova
Piazza De Marini 1/12
16123 Genova
Tel. e fax 0039.10.294718
Dear Olivier Dupuis,
I received only today your transnational bulletin. I substain the application of Bosnia to EU. But I also stress the need to modify the European Institutions not able to act and to take decision because of the veto vote of Council of Minister. In the future if we don't want another Bosnia we have to ask to our government and our Euro parliamentarians to build a Federal Europe with a common foreign policy. I think radical party could play an important role together with Union of European Federalist for the next intergovernmental conference on the Maastricht treaty review.
Nicola Vallinoto
Vice President of J.E.F.(Jeunesse Europeenne Federaliste) Italy