William Schabas, Professor of Law, University of Quebec (Canada)
Sergio D'Elia (Italy)
Olivia Ratti (Belgium)
Gaqo Apostoli, M.P. (Albania)
Aboubakry Ba, African Institute for Democracy (Senegal)
Igor Bezrukov, Chairman of the Legal Council to the President of the Russian Federation
Alberto Castiel, Director of the Brasilian Institute for Human Rights and Peace
Paolo Cesari, Journalist (Italy)
Umberto Croppi, Advertiser (Italy)
Pablo de la Vega, Director of the Segundo Montes Mozo S. J. Centre (Ecuador)
Olivier Dupuis, Secretary of the Transnational Radical Party (Belgium)
Alessandra Filograno, Journalist (Italy)
Peter Hodgkinson, Director of the Centre for Capital Punishment Studies, University of Westminster (England)
Michael Kroll, Writer and journalist (USA)
Samir Labidi, Jurist (Tunisia)
Maria Giovanna Maglie, Writer and journalist (USA)
Petru Munteanu, former M.P. (Moldova)
Ibrahim N'Douré, M.P. (Mali)
Anatolij Pristavkin, Chairman of the Committee for Pardon (Russia)
Danilo Quinto, Treasurer of the Transnational Radical Party (Italy)
Mike Tshishonga, Chairman of the Management Committee of the Department of Justice (South Africa)
Emilio Vesce, Journalist (Italy)
Elisabetta Zamparutti, Jurist (Italy)
Adelaide Aglietta, President of the Green Group at the European Parliament, Speaker on the Death Penalty (Italy)
Hassib Ben Ammar, Former M.P., President of the Arabian Institute for Human Rights (Tunisia)
George Bizos, Lawyer and Jurist (South Africa)
Emma Bonino, Commissioner of the European Union (Italy)
Ernesto Caccavale, Member of European Parliament (Italy)
Giandonato Caggiano, Professor, Director of the Italian Society for the International Organization (Italy)
Liliana Cavani, Film and Theatre Director (Italy)
Khémaïs Chamari, M.P., President of the Mediterranean Watch on Human Rights (Tunisia)
Furio Colombo, Writer and journalist (USA)
Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate 1976 (Northern Ireland)
Erri De Luca, Writer (Italy)
Carla Fracci, Star (Italy)
François Fejtö, Historian (France)
Aminata Maiga Ka, Writer (Senegal)
Muhamed Kresevljakovic, Consul in Italy, former Mayor of Sarajevo (Bosnia)
Tiziana Maiolo, M.P. (Italy)
Judith Malina, leader of the Living Theater (USA)
Lounés Matoub, Musician and singer (Algeria)
Jokubas Minkevicius, Member of the Academy of Sciences (Lithuania)
Sonia Mladenova, Former M.P. (Bulgaria)
Marco Pannella, Member of European Parliament (Italy)
Cipriano Perly, Secretary of "Justice and Citizenship" (Brazil)
Sister Helen Prejean, Writer, Chairperson of the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (USA)
Francesco Rutelli, Mayor of Rome (Italy)
Abdus Salam, Nobel Physics Laureate, President of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Pakistan)
Cesare Salvi, M.P., jurist (Italy)
Leonard Weinglass, Lawyer (USA)
Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Laureate 1988 (USA)