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Conferenza Hands off Cain
Saggese Mimmo - 15 giugno 1996
Condanna per un ex-islamico convertito al cristianesimo

From 101753.2203@compuserve.com Fri Jun 14 12:24:43 1996

Received: from wnt.tizeta.it (wnt.tizeta.it []) by agora.stm.it (8.7.5/8.6.6) with SMTP id MAA04230; Fri, 14 Jun 1996 12:24:38 GMT

Resent-Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 12:24:38 GMT

Resent-From: 101753.2203@compuserve.com

Received: from dub-img-1.compuserve.com ( by wnt.tizeta.it (EMWAC SMTPRS 0.60) with SMTP id ; Sat, 15 Jun 1996 11:21:17 +0200

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id GAA08153; Fri, 14 Jun 1996 06:21:54 -0400

Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 06:20:37 -0400

From: Giuni Teen Challenge <101753.2203@compuserve.com>

Subject: Prayer request


Message-ID: <199606140621_MC1-4F0-A724@compuserve.com>

Sender: bmw-request@wnt.tizeta.it


From: David Bentley[SMTP:76773.3250@CompuServe.COM]

Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 1996 9:22 AM

To: owner-reality-check@XC.Org

Subject: BOUNCE reality-check@XC.Org: Approval required

We received word yesterday from Open Doors that the Kuwaiti convert Robert

Hussein has been sentenced to death by an Islamic court. The verdict was

published in a Kuwaiti newspaper on June 9. He has 30 days in which to

appeal, but he cannot be tried in the Constitutional Court. "The

constitution respects freecom of religion...but it does not mean that a

Muslim should be allowed to convert from his religion to another."

Robert has not been able to obtain a lawyer, and as far as we know, is

still in hiding.

David Bentley

--- MMMR v4.60reg * il nostro Dio combatterà per noi (Ne 4:20)

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