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Conferenza Lingua internazionale Fundapax
Agora' Internet - 7 giugno 1995
Re: WIRED - "alkupli^gu"

From: Pierre Jelenc

To: rebato-l@netcom.com

Subject: Re: WIRED - "alkupli^gu"

Sender: owner-rebato-l@netcom.com

Precedence: list


> Indas mencii, ke ekzistas elektronika aldonajxo nomita "Hotwired" en

> la reto, kiun mi tamen ne plu legas cxar mi bezonas tempon por aliaj

> aferoj! Se iu volas provi, komencu je la TTT-pagxo:

> http://www.hotwired.com

Jen la du mencioj de "Esperanto" en HotWired, kiujn mi trovis. Mi kopiis

nur parton de la unua, kiu estas recenzo de libro.




[ ... ]

Many people have heard of Lazarus Ludwig Zahmenhof's creation, Esperanto,

but Spokit, Spelin, Volapuk, Mundolingue? Add the remarkable number of

members of the Esperantides family. The inventors of these largely

unspoken tongues are never satisfied.

Once a language is finished, it is time to start another - or to fiddle

with someone else's. A further motive is ridding language of ambiguity and

redundancy. As Yaguello points out, this is a hopeless task. Irrespective

of the inventor's ability to persuade others to use his or her language,

speakers soon adjust it, exploit it, and riddle it with double entendres.

Maybe it's best to recite the Lord's Prayer in Volapuk: O fat obas, kel

binos in suls, paisaludomoz nem ola! Komomod monargan ola!

Absent from the discussion are formal and computer languages, which seems

surprising. Though far more meaningful and valuable than Esperanto or any

related construction, they are probably not born of such different

motives, and are thus surely "artificial." Perhaps programming language

design will be the new chosen occupation of the people who once invented

these other types of unspoken language.

Nick Beard

Lunatic Lovers of Language, by Marina Yaguello, translated from the

French by

Catherine Slater, 1990, $39.50, Fairleigh-Dickinson Press



Eine Kleine Elektric Music

As a founding member of the '70s minimalist ensemble Kraftwerk, Karl

Bartos helped develop much of what is taken for granted in popular

electronic music, including nonhuman singing talent.

Two decades later, Bartos and partner Lothar Manteuffel have formed

Elektric Music to experiment with new ways to make the computer sing. For

starters, they've sampled and digitized human speech to create a library

of phonemes, the building blocks of speech. Bartos explains: "If you

sample phonemes, you can paste them together in odd ways."

Even with recent advances in speech-synthesis technology, Bartos says

getting computers to sing "is a time-eating process and has nothing to do

with rock and roll. You sit in front of the computer engaging in trial and

error. Perhaps it's easier to just boogie down."

Esperanto (Atlantic Records) marks Elektric Music's dibut.

- Dan Sicko


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