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Conferenza Lingua internazionale Fundapax
Agora' Internet - 20 agosto 1995
"The .net directory"

From: Edmund Grimley-Evans

To: rebato-l@netcom.com

Cc: Edmund.Grimley-Evans@cl.cam.ac.uk, 100663.545@compuserve.com,

duncan@spd.eee.strathclyde.ac.uk, Axel.Belinfante@cs.utwente.nl

Subject: "The .net directory"

Sender: owner-rebato-l@netcom.com

Precedence: list

Jen la teksto el "The .net directory" ("Issue One"), a^ugusto 1995,

p. 143:




Of all the bizarre language sites on the Internet, the strangest has to

be Esperanto. The brain child of a Dr. Zamehorf, Esperanto was

developed as an international language but (quite apparently) it failed

to catch on.

Notoriously difficult, the language looks and sounds like a collision

between Norwegian and, erm, something even further from planet Earth,

and continues to attract groups of language buffs with obviously few

better things to do with their time.

The Esperanto Net site offers such (ir)resistable treats as

'happenings' in the California Bay area of America where like-minded

Esperantians can get together forpicnics to speak their beloved

lost-language. The Net site also gives you the chance to learn this

language and includes four minutes of "hard to understand speech" by

the languages' originator. And as if this wasn't enough, on June 4th

1995, nine Esperanto bands performed at a festival at Carmichal in the

USA. Rock, and indeed, Roll.

Anyone wishing to learn the language (or just likes the space baddy

sound of being called of an Esperantian) should contact :



Agneau BELANYEK entajpis tiun tekston; mi nur mallonge rigardis la

originalon. "Zamenhof" estis misliterumita en la originalo; mi memoras

la fina^jon "-horf", sed eble estis "Zamenhorf", ne "Zamehorf". Anka^u

la eraro ".n" anstata^u ".nl" en la TTT-adreso estis en la originalo;

la ^gusta adreso estas: http://wwwtios.cs.utwente.nl/esperanto/

La kunteksto estas artikolaro pri lernado de lingvoj per Internet. La

revuo estas facile trovebla en britaj gazetvendejoj.

La artikoleto estas ilustrita per multe da bildoj, anka^u ^ce la

enhavotabelo. Estas ekzemple bildo de Zamenhof kaj foto de Esperanta

muzikisto (supozeble el la TTT-ejo de Duncan THOMSON).

Agneau skribis poste:


Oni vidas ke Gil Gillespie, la verkinto de la artikolo bone scias pri

kio li parolas kaj funde studies la materialon. Se vi deziras danki lin

a^u gratuli lin pro la artikolo, kontaktu la redaktoroj de la revuo:

alowe@futurenet.co.uk (Andy Lowe)

scrook@futurenet.co.uk (Simon Crook)



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