Subject: New Internet Resource
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 95 0:02:37 CDT
As a frequent browser of newsgroups and listservers, I recently came
across your name as someone who is interested in staying current with all
the changes constantly being made on the Internet. If you have received
this message in error, I sincerely apologize, but if I haven't misread your
interests, you'll be eager to hear that Continua has a special offer on
Continua Reports, the new Internet magazine that has everything a user
such as yourself needs to get the most out of the Net.
With the Internet changing so rapidly, you can't afford to wait if you want
to stay current on all the latest Internet developments. You need an
Intelligent Agent on the Net to help you make the most of your time.
Continua Reports is the Consumer Reports of the Net, designed to let you be
an expert, informed user, while reducing the amount of time you have to
spend online. Here are just a few of the time and money-saving features
you'll see in upcoming issues of Continua Reports:
* How to register your own domain address on the Net.
* Where the best Web sites are, and what information they have for you.
* Hot free software! Where to find the best free programs and games on
the Net.
* How to find the best, most economical Internet service provider in your
* Comparisons and reviews of commercial and free Internet software.
* The cheapest, easiest way to set up your own Web page.
* Plus hard-hitting, comparative reviews, so you can separate the hype from
the reality about HTML editors, modems, commercial online services, Web
browsers and more!
With Continua Reports, you reap the advantages of having a fully electronic
magazine. We email Continua Reports right to your mailbox, so you don't
spend any time slogging through newsgroups and listservers with low signal-
to-noise ratios. No time is wasted in printing or mailing -- everything
you read is up-to-the-minute information. Our innovative HTML format lets
you use Continua Reports as your jumping off point to Internet hotspots.
And we'll send you "e-grams" between our monthly issues containing the
latest breaking news, so you'll always be ahead of the curve.
EASY TO SUBSCRIBE! Simply reply to this email message and tell us you're
interested, and we'll start your subscription right away. A six month
subscription is only $23.70, over 50% off its regular price. And a full
year subscription is an even bigger savings at only $35.40. No need to
include payment information in your reply -- we'll bill you later. We'll
even send you your first issue of Continua Reports with no obligation
before any payment is due, so you can examine Continua Reports RISK-FREE.
FREE GIFT! For a limited time, you can receive FREE with your paid
subscription a 130MB CD-ROM for Macintosh and IBM PC full of the hottest
Internet software! This complete collection of tools, information, and
references normally sells for $50, but it's yours free when you order
Continua Reports, and it's yours to keep, even if you cancel your
subscription! Order today to get your free copy!
Simply reply to this message NOW to start your RISK-FREE subscription to
Continua Reports TODAY!
Addison Snell Continua Phone: 1-708-432-1758
Continua Reports 823 Kimballwood Ave. Fax: 1-708-432-1739
1-800-249-6666 Highland Park, IL 60035