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Conferenza Lingua internazionale Fundapax
Agora' Internet - 26 agosto 1995
Re: "The .net directory"

To: Hinsen Konrad

From: Don HARLOW

Sender: owner-rebato-l@netcom.com

Precedence: list

> Mi sendis plendleteron al la redaktistoj kaj ricevis jenan

> respondon:


> Date: 22 Aug 1995 12:42:34 U

> From: "Simon Crook"

> Subject: Re: Language learning on the

> To: "Hinsen Konrad"

> X-Mailer: Mail*Link SMTP/QM 3.0.0


> Reply to: RE>Language learning on the net


> Criticism noted. Gil Gillespie has been taken out and shot.

Gratulon, Konrad, ke vi atingis tiun valoran rezulton. Tamen mortpafo

estis puno tro malkruela pro tiu artikolo. Prefere oni dispecigu lin kaj

misnutru voremajn lupac^ojn per la pecoj. Ne, ke mi volas krueli kontrau^


Congratulations, Konrad, for getting this valuable result. But being

taken out and shot was too nice a punishment for that article. He should

have been drawn and quartered, and the pieces fed to starving wolves. Not

that I want to be cruel to wolves...

Don HARLOW donh@netcom.com

Esperanto League for N.A. elna@netcom.com (800) 828-5944

ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/el/elna/elna.html Esperanto


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