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From: (Alain FAGOT)
Newsgroups: soc.culture.esperanto
Subject: (ANGLE) Esperanto in British Airways
Date: 4 Sep 1995 12:43:23 GMT
Mi voja^gis pasintsemajne al Svedio per flugo de British Airways.
Inter la lega^joj presitaj de BA estas gazeto "Business life" disponebla
por e~uropaj voja^gantoj. Artikolo de la a~ugusta numero allogis min :
"Tower of Euro-Babel". Mi nur citos la komencon kaj la finon :
Brussel's army of interpreters, whose job it is to keep the wheels of
communication turning in the world's noisiest Tower of Babel, are facing
an uphill struggle as the decibel level in Europe's multilingual union
reaches deafening proportions.
Working in the nine official languages in a 12-nation club was
difficult enough. A total of 27 interpreters attended every meeting of
EU ministers, diplomats and bureaucrats to handle the 72 linguistic
combinations created by translating all nine languages into the other
That was before Swedes and Finns rolled into town earlier this
year, adding two more languages to the official list and giving the EU
interpreters their bigger headache yet.
[pri nombroj de kombinoj, salajregoj de interpretistoj, malfacila^joj de
la profesio de interpretisto, pli granda nombro de EU-aj interpretistoj
ol de UN-aj kaj fine pri malkonataj kostoj]
The EU's most ardent enthusiasts are hell-bent on building a united
Europe by turning their dream of a single European currency into a
reality. Perhaps they should concentrate their efforts instead on
trying to create a single European language ? Surely that would be the
most powerful symbol of European union yet - and one which taxpayers
almost everywhere would applaud. Come back, Esperanto, all is forgiven.
Enestas nenio vere grava nek favore nek kontra~u Esperanton, sed
almena~u ^gi estis menciita kiel ebleco kontra~u konfuzego.
^Gis balda~u,
S-i^co Alain FAGOT / " Nenio maleblas
IMAG - Projet APACHE hejme: +33 76 85 41 09 / por tiu, kiu ne
46 avenue F'elix Viallet / ofice: +33 76 57 48 75 mem faru tion. "
FR-38031 GRENOBLE CEDEX 1 fakse: +33 76 57 47 54 / Marcel ACHARD