International Herald Tribune del 29 ago 1995titolo: Italy Legislator Arrested
testo: The arrest of an Italian politician, Marco Pannella, for deliberately breaking Italy's drug laws divided his center-rights allied led by former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on Monday.
The maverick parlamentarian was arrested with five supporters in the Porta Portese street market in Rome on Sunday after he produced a bag of hashish at a protest meeting to call for the legalization of "soft" drugs.
The police arrested him on charges of possessing illegal substances with the intent of distributing them. A prosecutor ordered him to remain under house arrest and then later told him he was free pending a judge's ruling on the case. (Reuter)
n.d.r.: il termine maverick si traduce letteralmente: giovane animale non marchiato; e viene comunemente usato per significare "politico battitore libero".