Politician welcomes drug charge
Mr marco Pannella, the gadfy (ndr. letteralmente: zanzara) radical of Italian politics, yesterday achieved his ambition of being sent for trial on charges of distributing drugs as part of his campaign to decriminalise the use of soft drugs.
A Rome judge decide he had broken the law on distributing marijuana and hashish after a demonstration last December to promote their legal use. On this occasion he tossed to the crowd eight bags, each containing a gramme of hashsish, and three packets of marijuana each with 100g inside. Earlier, he had publicy handend out marijuana at Rome's Sunday Porto Portese market and produced some on a TV programme.
Mr Pannella, who was responsible for introducing divorce and abortion laws via referendum, is promoting a referendum to legitimise the use of soft drugs. He lost his seat in the April general elections and is no longer protected by parliamentary immunity.
Robert Graham, Rome
(ndr. chi gli dice a Graham che il divorzio e l'aborto non li abbiamo fatti approvare con dei referendum? E che, anzi, dei referendum sono stati successivamente fatti contro queste conquiste per cercarle di abrogare?) (L'informazione di regime si insinua anche nelle migliori penne e nei migliori giornali)