Radicali.it - sito ufficiale di Radicali Italiani
Notizie Radicali, il giornale telematico di Radicali Italiani
cerca [dal 1999]

i testi dal 1955 al 1998

gio 19 set. 2024
Archivi radicali SELECT * from cms_document LEFT JOIN cms_cat_doc on cms_document.id=cms_cat_doc.iddocument . WHERE MATCH (doc_keys) AGAINST ('":Consiglio:"' in boolean mode) order by doc_date DESC
  1021 elementi trovati, pagina 47 di 52    prima prec. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 succ. ultima
   21 luglio 1977 - - di: Notizie Radicali
La mozione del consiglio federativo
La mozione del consiglio federativo SOMMARIO: La mozione del Consiglio federativo del Pr con la quale, prendendo atto
della decisione del Segretario e Tesoriere di sospendere le attività del partito, indica gli obiettivi e gli impegni per
   20 luglio 1977 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 413 (1977)
RESOLUTION 413 (1977) RESOLUTION S77R413 S/RES/413 (1977) 20 July 1977 Adopted by the Security Council
at its 2025th meeting on 20 July 1977 The Security Council, Having examined the application of the Socialist
   7 luglio 1977 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 412 (1977)
RESOLUTION 412 (1977) RESOLUTION S77R412 S/RES/412 (1977) 7 July 1977 Adopted by the Security Council
at its 2021st meeting on 7 July 1977 The Security Council, Having examined the application of the Republic of
   6 luglio 1977 - - di: Spinelli Altiero
Programme of activities of the Belgium presidency of the Council
Programme of activities of the Belgium presidency of the Council PROGRAMMA OF ACTIVITIES OF THE BELGIUM PRESIDENCY OF
THE COUNCIL by Altiero Spinelli SUMMARY: The Parliament carries out the usual examination of the programm Council
   6 luglio 1977 - - di: Spinelli Altiero
Programme d'activité de la présidence belge du Conseil
Programme d'activité de la présidence belge du Conseil PROGRAMME D'ACTIVITE DE LA PRESIDENCE BELGE DU CONSEIL par
Altiero Spinelli SOMMAIRE: Le Parlement européen examine le programme de travail de la présidence du Conseil, qui sera
   30 giugno 1977 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 411 (1977)
RESOLUTION 411 (1977) RESOLUTION S77R411 S/RES/411 (1977) 30 June 1977 Adopted by the Security Council
at its 2019th meeting on 30 June 1977 The Security Council, Taking note of the telegram dated 18 June 1977
   15 giugno 1977 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 410 (1977)
RESOLUTION 410 (1977) RESOLUTION S77R410 S/RES/410 (1977) 15 June 1977 Adopted by the Security Council
at its 2012th meeting on 15 June 1977 The Security Council, Noting from the report of the Secretary-General
   27 maggio 1977 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 409 (1977)
RESOLUTION 409 (1977) RESOLUTION S77R409 S/RES/409 (1977) 27 May 1977 Adopted by the Security Council
at its 2011th meeting on 27 May 1977, The Security Council, Reaffirming its resolutions 216 (1965) of 12
   26 maggio 1977 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 408 (1977)
RESOLUTION 408 (1977) RESOLUTION S77R408 S/RES/408 (1977) 26 May 1977 Adopted by the Security Council
at its 2010th meeting on 26 May 1977, The Security Council, Having considered the report of the
   25 maggio 1977 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 406 (1977)
RESOLUTION 406 (1977) RESOLUTION S77R406 S/RES/406 (1977) 25 May 1977 Adopted by the Security Council
at its 2008th meeting on 25 May 1977, The Security Council, Recalling its resolution 403 (1977) of 14 January
   25 maggio 1977 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 407 (1977)
RESOLUTION 407 (1977) RESOLUTION S77R407 S/RES/407 (1977) 25 May 1977 Adopted by the Security Council
at its 2009th meeting on 25 May 1977, The Security Council, Recalling its resolution 402 (1977) of 22
   14 aprile 1977 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 405 (1977)
RESOLUTION 405 (1977) RESOLUTION S77R405 S/RES/405 (1977) 14 April 1977 Adopted by the Security Council
at its 2005th meeting on 14 April 1977, The Security Council, Having considered the report of the Security
   14 febbraio 1977 - - di: Notizie Radicali
   8 febbraio 1977 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 404 (1977)
RESOLUTION 404 (1977) RESOLUTION S77R404 S/RES/404 (1977) 8 February 1977 Adopted by the Security
Council at its 1987th meeting on 8 February 1977, The Security Council, Taking note of the letter dated 26
   15 gennaio 1977 - - di: Consiglio federativo
Le decisioni del Consiglio federativo sui referendum
Le decisioni del Consiglio federativo sui referendum SOMMARIO - Le decisioni del Consiglio federativo del Pr sui
seguenti punti: definizione del progetto di referendum abrogativi; dibattito sul Partito Radicale e la sinistra italiana;
   14 gennaio 1977 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 403 (1977)
RESOLUTION 403 (1977) RESOLUTION S77R403 S/RES/403 (1977) 14 January 1977 Adopted by the Security
Council at its 1985th meeting on 14 January 1977, The Security Council, Taking note of the letters dated 22
   22 dicembre 1976 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 402 (1976)
RESOLUTION 402 (1976) RESOLUTION S76R402 S/RES/402 (1976) 22 December 1976 Adopted by the Security
Council at its 1982nd meeting on 22 December 1976 The Security Council, Having heard the statement of the
   15 dicembre 1976 - - di: Spinelli Altiero
Results of the European Council of The Hague (15 December 1976)
Results of the European Council of The Hague (15 December 1976) Altiero Spinelli SUMMARY: The Parliament discusses the
results of the meeting of the European Council held at The Hague on 29 and 30 November 1976. Among the matters for which
   15 dicembre 1976 - - di: Spinelli Altiero
Résultats du Conseil européen de La Haye (15 décembre 1976)
Résultats du Conseil européen de La Haye (15 décembre 1976) Altiero Spinelli SOMMAIRE: Le Parlement discute des
résultats de la réunion du Conseil européen qui s'est déroulée à La Haye les 29 et 30 novembre 1976. Au nombre des thèmes
   14 dicembre 1976 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 401 (1976)
RESOLUTION 401 (1976) RESOLUTION S76R401 S/RES/401 (1976) 14 December 1976 Adopted by the Security
Council at its 1979th meeting on 14 December 1976 The Security Council, Noting from the report of the
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