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5 aprile 1995
- Archivio Emma Bonino commissario UE - di: Il Mattino
• I COMPUTER INSIEME ALLE RETI I COMPUTER INSIEME ALLE RETI Pesca in crisi. Domani vertice europeo. Intervista al Commissario italiano EMMA BONINO di Franco Mancusi IL MATTINO, 5 aprile 1995 ________ SOMMARIO. Flotte moderne per razionalizzare le risorse ittiche ancora |
18 gennaio 1995
- - di: Mitterrand François, Parlement européen
• Adieux de François Mitterrand au PE Adieux de François Mitterrand au PE INTERVENTION DE FRANCOIS MITTERRAND, PRESIDENT EN EXERCICE DU CONSEIL, DEVANT LE PARLEMENT EUROPEEN SOMMAIRE: A l'occasion de l'ouverture de la présidence française de l'Union européenne, François |
8 dicembre 1994
- - di: Saint-Pierre Dominique, Parlement européen, Commission Institutionnelle, groupe ARE
• 1996: la question des présidences 1996: la question des présidences DOCUMENT DE TRAVAIL SUR LES PRESIDENCES (CONSEIL, COMMISSION) Rédacteur: M. Dominique SAINT-PIERRE SOMMAIRE: dans le cadre de la préparation de la conférence intergouvernementale de 1996, la |
1 gennaio 1994
- - di: The Federalist
• The enlargement of the EU. The enlargement of the EU. ENLARGING THE EUROPEAN UNION The Federalist, 1994, Number 1 The process of enlarging the European Union to Austria, Finland, Norway and Sweden, which has gathered pace considerably following the December 1993 |
1 gennaio 1994
- - di: Rossolillo Francesco, The Federalist
• The founding of the European federation. The founding of the European federation. CAN WE DELEGATE THE FOUNDING OF THE EUROPEAN FEDERATION? by Francesco Rossolillo The Federalist, 1994, Number 1 The Karlsruhe constitutional court's decision removing the last hurdle to |
16 dicembre 1992
- - di: Parlamento Europeo
• Conseil européen des 11 et 12 décembre 1992 Conseil européen des 11 et 12 décembre 1992 RESOLUTION B3-1727, 1728 et 1736/92 Résolution sur les conclusions de la réunion du Conseil européen d'Edimbourg des 11 et 12 décembre 1992 Le Parlement européen, -vu les conclusions du |
28 ottobre 1992
- - di: Parlamento Europeo
• Consiglio europeo del 16 ottobre a Birmingham Consiglio europeo del 16 ottobre a Birmingham RISOLUZIONE B3-1333/riv. e 1336/92 Risoluzione sul Consiglio europeo straordinario di Birmingham del 16 ottobre 1992 Il Parlamento europeo, - viste le conclusioni della riunione del |
7 febbraio 1992
- - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
7 febbraio 1992
- - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
• Maastricht Treaty: Title 1 Maastricht Treaty: Title 1 TITLE 1 COMMON PROVISIONS ARTICLE A By this Treaty, the High Contracting Parties establish among themselves a European Union, hereinafter called "the Union". This Treaty marks a new stage in the process |
7 febbraio 1992
- - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
• Maastricht Treaty: Title II [from 1) to 25)] Maastricht Treaty: Title II [from 1) to 25)] TITLE II PROVISIONS AMENDING THE TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY WITH A VIEW TO ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY ARTICLE G The Treaty establishing the European |
7 febbraio 1992
- - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
• Maastricht Treaty: Title II [from 26) to 50)] Maastricht Treaty: Title II [from 26) to 50)] 26) In Title II of Part Three, the title of Chapter 4 shall be replaced by the following: "TITLE VII Common Commercial Policy" 27) Article 111 shall be repealed. 28) Article shall be |
7 febbraio 1992
- - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
• Maastricht Treaty: Title II [from 51) to 86)] Maastricht Treaty: Title II [from 51) to 86)] 51) Article 171 shall be replaced by the following: "ARTICLE 171 1. If the Court of Justice finds that a Member State has failed to fulfil an obligation under this Treaty, the State shall be |
7 febbraio 1992
- - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
• Maastricht Treaty: Title III Maastricht Treaty: Title III TITLE III PROVISIONS AMENDING THE TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN COAL AND STEEL COMMUNITY ARTICLE H The Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community shall be amended in accordance with |
7 febbraio 1992
- - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
• Maastricht Treaty: Title IV Maastricht Treaty: Title IV TITLE IV PROVISIONS AMENDING THE TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN ATOMIC ENERGY COMMUNITY ARTICLE 1 The Treaty establishing European Atomic Energy Community shall be amended in accordance with the provisions |
7 febbraio 1992
- - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
• Maastricht Treaty: Title V Maastricht Treaty: Title V TITLE V PROVISIONS ON A COMMON FOREIGN AND SECURITY POLICY ARTICLE J A common foreign and security policy is hereby established which shall be governed by the following provisions. ARTICLE J.1 1. The union |
7 febbraio 1992
- - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
• Maastricht Treaty: Title VI Maastricht Treaty: Title VI TITLE VI PROVISIONS ON COOPERATION IN THE FIELDS OF JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS ARTICLE K Cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs shall be governed by the following provisions. ARTICLE K.1 For |
7 febbraio 1992
- - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
• Maastricht Treaty: Title VII Maastricht Treaty: Title VII TITLE VII FINAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE L The provisions of the Treaty establishing the European Community, the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community and the Treaty establishing the |
7 febbraio 1992
- - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
• Maastricht Treaty: Protocol properties in DK Maastricht Treaty: Protocol properties in DK PROTOCOL ON THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY IN DENMARK THE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES, DESIRING to settle certain particular problems relating to Denmark, HAVING AGREED UPON the following provision, |
7 febbraio 1992
- - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
• Maastricht Treaty: Protocol on article 119 Maastricht Treaty: Protocol on article 119 PROTOCOL CONCERNING ARTICLE 119 OF THE TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY THE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES, HAVE AGREED UPON the following provision, which shall be annexed to the treaty |
7 febbraio 1992
- - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
• Maastricht Treaty: Protocol on ESCB Maastricht Treaty: Protocol on ESCB PROTOCOL ON THE STATUTE OF THE EUROPEAN SYSTEM OF CENTRAL BANKS AND OF THE EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK THE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES, DESIRING to lay down the Statute of the European System of Central |
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