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Archivi radicali SELECT * from cms_document LEFT JOIN cms_cat_doc on cms_document.id=cms_cat_doc.iddocument . WHERE MATCH (doc_keys) AGAINST ('":trattato di maastricht:"' in boolean mode) order by doc_date DESC
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   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on monetary relations
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on monetary relations DECLARATION ON MONETARY RELATIONS WITH THE REPUBLIC OF SAN
MARINO, THE VATICAN CITY AND THE PRINCIPALITY OF MONACO The Conference agrees that the existing monetary relations
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on article 73d
COMMUNITY The Conference affirms that the right of Member States to apply the relevant provisions of their tax law as
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on article 109
COMMUNITY The Conference emphasizes that use of the term "formal agreements" in Article 109(1) is not intended to
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on Part 3, Title XVI
THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY The Conference considers that, in view of the increasing importance of nature conservation at
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on articles 109, 130r, 130y
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on articles 109, 130r, 130y DECLARATION ON ARTICLES 109, 130r AND 130y of THE TREATY
ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY The Conference considers that the provisions of Article 109(5), Article 130r(4),
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on Emissions
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on Emissions DECLARATION ON THE DIRECTIVE OF 24 NOVEMBER 1988 (Emissions) The
Conference declares that changes in Community legislation cannot undermine the derogations granted to Spain and Portugal
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on Eur. Dev. Fund
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on Eur. Dev. Fund DECLARATION ON THE EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT FUND The Conference agrees
that the European Development Fund will continue to be financed by national contributions in accordance with the current
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on role of nat. Parl.
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on role of nat. Parl. DECLARATION ON THE ROLE OF NATIONAL PARLIAMENTS IN THE EUROPEAN
UNION The Conference considers that it is important to encourage greater involvement of national Parliaments in the
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on the conference of Parl.
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on the conference of Parl. DECLARATION ON THE CONFERENCE OF THE PARLIAMENTS The
Conference invites the European Parliament and the national Parliaments to meet as necessary as a Conference of the
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on numbers of EP and E Comm.
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on numbers of EP and E Comm. DECLARATION ON THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION AND
OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT The Conference agrees that the Member States will examine the questions relating to the
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on hierarchy of EC acts
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on hierarchy of EC acts DECLARATION ON THE HIERARCHY OF COMMUNITY ACTS The Conference
agrees that the Intergovernmental Conference to be convened in 1996 will examine to what extent it might be possible to
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on information
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on information DECLARATIONON THE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION The Conference
considers that transparency of the decision-making process strengthens the democratic nature of the institutions and the
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on estimated costs
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on estimated costs DECLARATION ON ESTIMATED COSTS UNDER COMMISSION PROPOSALS The
Conference notes that the Commission undertakes, by basing itself where appropriate on any consultations it considers
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on implementation of EC law
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on implementation of EC law DECLARATION ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF COMMUNITY LAW 1. The
Conference stresses that it is central to the coherence and unity of the process of European construction that each
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on environnemental impact
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on environnemental impact DECLARATION ON ASSESSMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF
COMMUNITY MEASURES The Conference notes that the Commission undertakes in its proposals, and that the Member States
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on Court of auditors
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on Court of auditors DECLARATION ON THE COURT OF AUDITORS The Conference emphasizes
the special importance it attaches to the task assigned to the Court of Auditors by Articles 188a, 188b, 188c and 206 of
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on ESC
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on ESC DECLARATION ON THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE The Conference agrees that
the Economic and Social Committee will enjoy the same independence with regard to its budget and staff management as the
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on charitable associations
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on charitable associations DECLARATION ON COOPERATION WITH CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS
The Conference stresses the importance, in pursuing the objectives of Article 117 on the Treaty establishing the European
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on protection of animals
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on protection of animals DECLARATION ON THE PROTECTION OF ANIMALS The Conference
calls upon the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, as well as the Member States, when drafting and
   7 febbraio 1992 - - di: European Union, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, Eire, France, Italy, Grece, Spain, Portugal
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on overseas countries
Maastricht Treaty: Declaration on overseas countries DECLARATION on the representation of the interests of the
overseas countries and territories referred to in Article 227(3) and (5)(a) and (b) of the Treaty establishing the
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