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9 luglio 1991
- - di: Le Bouder Jean-Pierre
• Structural Adjustment, Good Governance and Democracy Structural Adjustment, Good Governance and Democracy Remarks Delivered by Jean-Pierre Le Bouder at the North-South Roundtable on African Debt Relief, Recovery and Democracy Co-sponsors: Parlamentarians for Global Action The African |
9 luglio 1991
- - di: North-South RoundTable
• PARLIAMENTARY PARTICIPANTS PARLIAMENTARY PARTICIPANTS PARTICIPANTS PARLEMENTAIRES --------------------------------------------------------------- Country or Organisation Name of Delegate Functions/Address Pays ou Organisme Nom du Delegue |
9 luglio 1991
- - di: Koenders B.
• Ideas of Follow-Up initiatives Ideas of Follow-Up initiatives On Debt The outcome of the Conference will have to be followed by concrete actions in several parliaments of the World. Parlamentarians for Global Action will make a detailed Report of the Roundtable, |
9 luglio 1991
- - di: Masire Q.K.J.
9 luglio 1991
- - di: Husain Ishrat, Underwood John
• THE DEBT OF SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS THE DEBT OF SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Ishrat Husain John Underwood (1) I. Introduction 1. The countries of Sub.Saharan Africa are the most indebted, relative ti the size of their economies, of all developing |
9 luglio 1991
- - di: Mistry Percy S.
• (1) AFRICAN DEBT REVISITED: PROCRASTINATION OR PROGRESS? (1) AFRICAN DEBT REVISITED: PROCRASTINATION OR PROGRESS? Percy S. MISTRY Senior Fellow, International Finance Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford A Paper prepared for the North-South Roundtable in Abidjan on July 8-9, 1991 on |
9 luglio 1991
- - di: Mistry Percy S.
• (2) AFRICAN DEBT REVISITED: PROCRASTINATION OR PROGRESS? (2) AFRICAN DEBT REVISITED: PROCRASTINATION OR PROGRESS? Percy S. MISTRY Senior Fellow, International Finance Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford A Paper prepared for the North-South Roundtable in Abidjan on July 8-9, 1991 on |
9 luglio 1991
- - di: Mistry Percy S.
• (3) AFRICAN DEBT REVISITED: PROCRASTINATION OR PROGRESS? (3) AFRICAN DEBT REVISITED: PROCRASTINATION OR PROGRESS? Percy S. MISTRY Senior Fellow, International Finance Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford A Paper prepared for the North-South Roundtable in Abidjan on July 8-9, 1991 on |
9 luglio 1991
- - di: Mistry Percy S.
• (4) AFRICAN DEBT REVISITED: PROCRASTINATION OR PROGRESS? (4) AFRICAN DEBT REVISITED: PROCRASTINATION OR PROGRESS? Percy S. MISTRY Senior Fellow, International Finance Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford A Paper prepared for the North-South Roundtable in Abidjan on July 8-9, 1991 on |
9 luglio 1991
- - di: Mistry Percy S.
• (5) AFRICAN DEBT REVISITED: PROCRASTINATION OR PROGRESS? (5) AFRICAN DEBT REVISITED: PROCRASTINATION OR PROGRESS? Percy S. MISTRY Senior Fellow, International Finance Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford A Paper prepared for the North-South Roundtable in Abidjan on July 8-9, 1991 on |
9 luglio 1991
- - di: Mistry Percy S.
• (6) AFRICAN DEBT REVISITED: PROCRASTINATION OR PROGRESS? (6) AFRICAN DEBT REVISITED: PROCRASTINATION OR PROGRESS? Percy S. MISTRY Senior Fellow, International Finance Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford A Paper prepared for the North-South Roundtable in Abidjan on July 8-9, 1991 on |
9 luglio 1991
- - di: Mistry Percy S.
• (7) AFRICAN DEBT REVISITED: PROCRASTINATION OR PROGRESS? (7) AFRICAN DEBT REVISITED: PROCRASTINATION OR PROGRESS? Percy S. MISTRY Senior Fellow, International Finance Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford A Paper prepared for the North-South Roundtable in Abidjan on July 8-9, 1991 on |
1 luglio 1991
- - di: Il Partito Nuovo
• Il valore del diritto e della democrazia Il valore del diritto e della democrazia SOMMARIO: Dal documento presentato da Olesugun Obasanjo, ex Presidente della Nigeria e Capo dell'»African Leadership Forum alla Tavola Rotonda Nord-Sud, nell'ambito del meeting sull'Economia di |
1 giugno 1991
- - di: Il Partito Nuovo
• Est (e Ovest) contro la libertà dei popoli e il Sud del mondo Est (e Ovest) contro la libertà dei popoli e il Sud del mondo SOMMARIO: In questo dopoguerra la competizione ideologica, politica e militare tra l'Est e (anche) l'Ovest ha avuto luogo a scapito degli interessi innanzitutto dei |
1 giugno 1991
- - di: Il Partito Nuovo
• Dalla parte della perestroika sudafricana Dalla parte della perestroika sudafricana (Per la vita del diritto e il diritto alla vita) SOMMARIO: Da anni il Partito Radicale ha gridato, nelle piazze e nei Parlamenti, una verità che solo adesso i più incominciano a riconoscere: Israele, |
31 maggio 1991
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1991/37 RESOLUTION 1991/37 Resolution E91r037 31 May 1991 13th plenary meeting Infringements of trade union rights in South Africa The Economic and Social Council, Recalling its resolution 1989/82 of 24 May 1989, in which it requested the |
30 maggio 1991
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1991/6 RESOLUTION 1991/6 Resolution E91r006 30 May 1991 12th plenary meeting Critical social situation in Africa The Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly resolution 2542 (XXIV) of 11 December 1969 containing the |
29 aprile 1991
- - di: Security Council
• RESOLUTION 690 (1991) RESOLUTION 690 (1991) RESOLUTION S91R690 S/RES/690 (1991) 29 April 1991 Adopted by the Security Council at its 2984th meeting on 29 April 1991 The Security Council, Recalling its resolutions 621 (1988) of 20 September 1988, by which it, |
15 aprile 1991
- - di: UNDP
• Rapporto sullo Sviluppo Umano 1991 Rapporto sullo Sviluppo Umano 1991 (Sintesi per la stampa) E' opinione diffusa che i paesi del Terzo Mondo siano troppo poveri per finanziare i propri bisogni di sviluppo umano. I bilanci nazionali e i finanziamenti esteri sarebbero troppo |
27 luglio 1990
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1990/70 RESOLUTION 1990/70 Member Name E90r070 27 July 1990 37th Plenary Meeting 1990/70. Activities of transnational corporations in South Africa The Economic and Social Council, Recalling its previous resolutions on the activities of |
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