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Archivio Emma Bonino commissario UE
Agenzia Reuter - 3 aprile 1995

REUTER, 3 aprile 1995


SOMMARIO. Informa sulle dichiarazioni rese al PE dalla Commissaria europea alla pesca Emma Bonino in merito alla decisione di introdurre un periodo di transizione, non superiore ai tre anni, per l'adeguamento delle norme e regolamentazioni sulla pesca nel Mediterraneo. Pur rendendosi conto della gravità del problema per i pescatori italiani, Bonino ha sostenuto che è ormai necessario pensare alla salvaguardia delle risorse marine in tale mare.

STRASBOURG, France European Fisheries Commissioner Emma Bonino said on Monday the Commission would consider a transitional period for European Union rules on fisheries conservation in the Mediterranean which Italian fishermen say are a threat to their livelihood.

Bonino told the European Parliament she had not been informed of difficulties faced by fishermen in Italy in applying regulation EEC/1626/94 on minimum mesh, net and fish sizes which came into force in January 1, 1995.

She said the April 6 Fisheries Council would have an opportunity to discuss the issue, but stressed the Commission would not be ready to accept a transitional period of more than three years.

"The Commission would maintain that any adjustment must be limited to a maximum of three years," she said.

She said the Commission was aware of the region's traditional fishing methods and the fact that there was a consumer demand for smaller sizes of fish than those authorised in the regulation, but it was urgent to protect Mediterranen fisheries resources.

"The Commission's main concern is to stop bad management of the fishery (sector) in certains parts of the Mediterranean. There has been overfishing and the situation is very critical," she said.

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