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Consiglio di Sicurezza - 21 dicembre 1979
RESOLUTION 460 (1979)


S/RES/460 (1979)

21 December 1979

Adopted by the Security Council at its 2181st meeting on 21 December 1979

The Security Council,

Recalling Security Council resolutions 232 (1966), 253 (1968) and subsequent related resolutions on the situation in Southern Rhodesia,

Reaffirming General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960,

Noting with satisfaction that the Lancaster House Conference in London has provided agreement on the Constitution for a free and independent Zimbabwe providing for genuine majority rule, on arrangements for bringing that Constitution into effect, and on a cease-fire,

Noting also that the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, having resumed its responsibility as the administering Power, is committed to decolonize Southern Rhodesia on the basis of free and democratic elections, which will lead Southern Rhodesia to genuine independence acceptable to the international community in accordance with the objectives of General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV),

Deploring the loss of life, the waste and the suffering caused by the 14 years of rebellion in Southern Rhodesia,

Conscious of the need to take effective measures for the prevention and removal of all threats to international peace and security in the region,

1. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the people of Zimbabwe to self-determination, freedom and independence, as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, and in conformity with the objectives of General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV);

2. Decides, having regard to the agreement reached at the Lancaster House Conference, to call upon States Members of the United Nations to terminate the measures taken against Southern Rhodesia under Chapter VII of the Charter pursuant to resolution 232 (1966), 253 (1968) and subsequent related resolutions on the situation in Southern Rhodesia;

3. Further decides to dissolve its Committee established under resolution 253 (1968) in accordance with rule 28 of the provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council;

4. Commends States Members of the United Nations, particularly the Front-Line States, for their implementation of the Security Council resolutions on sanctions against Southern Rhodesia in accordance with their obligations under Article 25 of the Charter;

5. Calls upon all States Members of the United Nations and the specialized agencies to provide urgent assistance to Southern Rhodesia and the Front-Line States for reconstruction purposes and to facilitate the repatriation of all refugees or displaced persons to Southern Rhodesia;

6. Calls for strict adherence to the agreements reached, and for their full and faithful implementation by the administering Power and all the parties concerned;

7. Calls upon the administering Power to ensure that no South African or other external forces, regular or mercenary, will remain in or enter Southern Rhodesia, except those forces provided for under the Lancaster House Agreement;

8. Requests the Secretary-General to assist in the implementation of paragraph 5 above, particularly in organizing with immediate effect all forms of financial, technical and material assistance to the States concerned in order to enable them to overcome the economic and social difficulties facing them;

9. Decides to keep the situation in Southern Rhodesia under review until the Territory attains full independence.

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