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Consiglio di Sicurezza - 13 dicembre 1984
RESOLUTION 558 (1984)


S/RES/558 (1984)

13 December 1984

Adopted by the Security Council at its 2564th meeting on 13 December 1984

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolution 418 (1977) of 4 November 1977, in which it decided upon a mandatory arms embargo against South Africa,

Recalling its resolution 421 (1977) of 9 December 1977, by which it entrusted a Committee consisting of all its members with the task of, among other things, studying ways and means by which the mandatory arms embargo could be made more effective against South Africa and to make recommendations to the Council,

Taking note of the Committee's report to the Security Council contained in document S/14179 of 19 September 1980,

Recognizing that South Africa's intensified efforts to build up its capacity to manufacture armaments undermines the effectiveness of the mandatory arms embargo against South Africa,

Considering that no State should contribute to South Africa's arms production capability by purchasing arms manufactured in South Africa,

1.Reaffirms its resolution 418 (1977) and stresses the continuing need for the strict application of all its provisions;

2.Requests all States to refrain from importing arms, ammunition of all types and military vehicles produced in South Africa;

3.Requests all States, including States non-members of the United Nations to act strictly in accordance with the provisions of the present resolution;

4.Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council Committee established by resolution 421 (1977) concerning the question of South Africa on the progress of the implementation of the present resolution before 31 December 1985.

Argomenti correlati:
sud africa
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