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   23 febbraio 1994 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 898 (1994)
RESOLUTION 898 (1994) RESOLUTION S94R898 S/RES/898 (1994) 23 February 1994 "The Security Council, "Reaffirming its
resolution 782 (1992) of 13 October 1992 and all subsequent resolutions, "Having considered the report of the
   6 giugno 1993 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 837 (1993)
RESOLUTION 837 (1993) RESOLUTION S93R837 S/RES/837 (1993) 6 June 1993 Adopted by the Security Council at its 3229th
meeting, on 6 June 1993 The Security Council, Reaffirming its resolutions 733 (1992) of 23 January 1992, 746 (1992) of
   6 ottobre 1992 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 779 (1992)
RESOLUTION 779 (1992) RESOLUTION S92R779 S/RES/779 (1992) 6 October 1992 Adopted by the Security Council at its
3118th meeting,on 6 October 1992 The Security Council, Reaffirming its resolution 743 (1992) of 21 February 1992 and
   2 ottobre 1992 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 778 (1992)
RESOLUTION 778 (1992) RESOLUTION S92R778 S/RES/778 (1992) 2 October 1992 Adopted by the Security Council at its
3117th meeting,on 2 October 1992 The Security Council, Recalling its previous relevant resolutions and in particular
   15 dicembre 1991 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 724 (1991)
RESOLUTION 724 (1991) RESOLUTION S91R724 S/RES/724 (1991) 15 December 1991 Adopted by the Security Council at its
3023rd meeting, on 15 December 1991 The Security Council, Reaffirming its resolutions 713 (1991) of 25 September 1991
   15 agosto 1991 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 707 (1991)
RESOLUTION 707 (1991) RESOLUTION S91R707 S/RES/707 (1991) 15 August 1991 Adopted by the Security Council at its
3004th meeting, on 15 August 1991 The Security Council, Recalling its resolution 687 (1991), and its other resolutions
   8 aprile 1991 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 687 (1991)
RESOLUTION 687 (1991) RESOLUTION S91R687 S/RES/687 (1991) 8 April 1991 Adopted by the Security Council at its 2981st
meeting,on 3 April 1991 The Security Council, Recalling its resolutions 660 (1990) of 2 August 1990, 661 (1990) of 6
   1 aprile 1991 - - di: De Andreis Marco
Per un trattato di non proliferazione convenzionale
Per un trattato di non proliferazione convenzionale di Marco De Andreis SOMMARIO: Questo articolo analizza gli
strumenti internazionali esistenti per impedire la proliferazione delle armi nucleari, chimiche e batteriologiche.
   1 febbraio 1987 - - di: Dupuis Olivier
VII. TERZO MONDO E SICUREZZA di Olivier Dupuis SOMMARIO: Da una ridefinizione del concetto di sicurezza, che tenga
conto dei problemi posti dallo sviluppo industriale e tecnologico da una parte e del sottosviluppo dall'altra, nasce un
   25 gennaio 1987 - - di: Quaranta Guido, Pannella Marco
RICOMINCIO DA 10 MILA Intervista a Marco Pannella di Guido Quaranta SOMMARIO: Raggiunto l'obiettivo di iscrizioni
fissato per il 1986 (10.000) e in vista della nuova scadenza del 31 gennaio il leader radicale indica speranze e
   28 novembre 1986 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 591 (1986)
RESOLUTION 591 (1986) RESOLUTION S86R591 S/RES/591 (1986) 28 November 1986 Adopted by the Security Council at its
2723rd meeting on 28 November 1986 The Security Council, Recalling its resolution 418 (1977) of 4 November 1977, in
   10 ottobre 1986 - - di: Rutelli Francesco, Bandinelli Angiolo, Calderisi Giuseppe, Corleone Franco, Pannella Marco, Stanzani Sergio, Teodori Massimo, Tessari Alessandro
Misure per la conversione industriale delle aziende produttrici di ben
Misure per la conversione industriale delle aziende produttrici di beni e servizi per usi militari. Camera dei deputati
- Proposta di legge d'iniziativa dei deputati Rutelli, Bandinelli, Calderisi, Corleone, Pannella, Stanzani Ghedini,
   1 settembre 1985 - - di: Melman Seymour, irdisp
CONVERSIONE ECONOMICA: PERCHE'? di SEYMUR MELMAN IRDISP Istituto di Ricerca per il Disarmo, lo Sviluppo e la Pace
Research Institute for Disarmament Development and Peace INDUSTRIA BELLICA - SETTEMBRE 1985 Seymur Melman è professore
   13 dicembre 1984 - - di: Consiglio di Sicurezza
RESOLUTION 558 (1984)
RESOLUTION 558 (1984) RESOLUTION S84R558 S/RES/558 (1984) 13 December 1984 Adopted by the Security Council at its
2564th meeting on 13 December 1984 The Security Council, Recalling its resolution 418 (1977) of 4 November 1977,
   26 maggio 1983 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1983/18 Member Name E83r018 26 May 1983 Adverse effects of the arms race on social progress and development
The Economic and Social Council, Having considered the 1982 Report on the World Social Situation, as well as the report
   9 dicembre 1982 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION A37R070 A/RES/37/70 9 December 1982 Economic and social consequences of the armaments race and its
extremely harmful effects on world peace and security The General Assembly, Having considered the item entitled
   16 novembre 1982 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION A37R018 A/RES/37/18 16 November 1982 Armed Israeli aggression against the Iraqi nuclear installations and
its grave consequences for the established international system concerning the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, the
   9 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/81 Resolution A36r081 9 December 1981 Second special session of the General Assembly devoted to
disarmament A Preparations for the second special session The General Assembly, Recalling section III of its
   9 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/85 Resolution A36r085 9 December 1981 Implementation of General Assembly resolution 35/145 B The
General Assembly, Recalling previous resolutions on a comprehensive nuclear-test ban, in particular resolution 32/78 of
   9 dicembre 1981 - - di: General Assembly
RESOLUTION 36/91 Resolution A36r091 9 December 1981 World Disarmament Conference The General Assembly, Recalling its
resolutions 2833 (XXVI) of 16 December 1971, 2930 (XXVII) of 29 November 1972, 3183 (XXVIII) of 18 December 1973, 3260
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