A3-0338/91Text adopted on 13.12.91
on the 20th Report of the Commission of the European Communities
on Competition Policy
The European Parliament,
- having regard to the 20th Report of the Commission of the
European Communities on Competition Policy,
- having regard to its earlier resolutions on competition
- having regard to the important developments in this sector
over the last year,
- having regard to the report of the Committee on Economic and
Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy and the opinions of
the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights and the
Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development
Timing and structure of the annual report
1. Notes that the 20th Report was sent to the Parliament earlier
than the 19th Report but still considerably later than
Parliament's suggested deadline of 30 April; welcomes the
Commission's undertaking to make every effort to observe this
deadline in the future;
2. Insists on the Commission giving a full point-by-point
response to the current resolution within eight weeks, unlike
its severely delayed and unofficial response to Parliament's
similar request in its resolution on the 19th Report;
3. Demands that the Commission keep the European Parliament
fully and rapidly informed of all major policy initiatives in
the field of competition policy, and that all draft block
exemptions and Commission notices (such as those on
telecommunications and transparency of financial relations as
regards public enterprises) be transmitted to the Parliament
at the same time as to the relevant Advisory Committee;
4. Regards as unacceptable any procedure, such as that followed
in the preparation of the communication on Transparency of
State Aids, which denies the Parliament the opportunity to
express a view on an important development in competition
policy before final decisions have been made and publicised;
Main developments in Community policy
5. Stresses the great importance of competition policy for the
completion of the 1992 single market and the process of
European integration;
6. Reiterates its concern at the fact that competition policy is
often considered separately from other Community activities;
in particular, points to the need to strike a balance between
competition policy and the requirements of an industrial
policy geared towards strengthening the Community's
productive structure and its international competitiveness,
particularly in definable strategic sectors;
7. Considers, furthermore, that decisions on competition policy
should be more closely linked to the requirements of those
Community policies which are given priority in the EC
Treaties, such as economic and social cohesion and policies
in respect of small and medium-sized undertakings and
8. Calls on the Commission to devise as soon as possible a
definite policy of economic and social cohesion within the
meaning of Article 130a of the EEC Treaty, defining inter
alia the role of operations to assist employment and regional
development; calls also for an assessment to be made at the
same time of the impact which decisions on concentrations,
agreements and aid will have on employment, management by the
regions over their own economic development, the environment
and regional and ecological imbalances;
9. Welcomes the Commission's favourable attitude to small and
medium-sized undertakings but considers that the current,
purely competition-oriented approach and the separation of
aid from other measures in respect of such undertakings do
not meet the development and adjustment requirements of SMUs
in the run-up to the single market; considers, therefore,
that a comprehensive and consistent policy towards SMUs
should be implemented, including the drawing up of impact
assessment 'forms' for the sector concerned which should be
completed before any specific competition policy decisions
are taken;
10.Welcomes the fact that the new regulation on merger control
(Regulation (EEC) No 4604/89) has now taken effect and
confirms that such instruments are necessary to ensure
balanced development of the Community market; considers,
however, that the system needs to be modified substantially
to take account of the points made in paragraphs 6, 7 and 12
and also to achieve certain other objectives, e.g.:
- reduction to ECU 2 billion of the quantitative threshold
beyond which anti-trust measures can be taken and the
introduction of corrective assessment measures which take
account of the share of the market sector in question;
- greater legal and administrative integration of national
anti-trust systems and the Community system, including the
possibility of coordinated action or measures delegated to
the two levels of authority;
- greater transparency and guarantees in the procedural and
investigative phase in which specialist technical and
economic inquiries would be a determining factor and allow
for full autonomy in decision-making;
Calls on the Commission, therefore, to draw up and submit to
Parliament an interim communication in the second half of
1992 on the questions raised in this connection, providing an
in-depth analysis of the measures required for the reform of
Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89;
11.Considers that the adoption of the merger control regulation,
and the recent controversy over the De Havilland case have
shown the immediate need for ever more rigorous economic
analysis by the Commission; requests more information from
the Commission as to how it currently defines the relevant
sectoral or geographical market in a particular case, whether
the Commission has enough economists working on competition
policy cases, and how the Commission coordinates the economic
advice from different Directorate-Generals;
12.Further considers that, as a minimum step in the area of
merger control, decisions must be taken in the light of
adequate information about the wider consequences; and
therefore calls on the Commission, when considering a
proposed merger under the Merger Regulation, to invite the
Commissioners responsible to prepare, where they consider it
appropriate, evaluations of the likely industrial, employment
and regional consequences of the merger;
13.Calls on the Commission to continue its efforts to reduce the
unacceptably high number of files outstanding, which numbered
2734 at the end of 1990;
14.Notes that when human resources were allocated for 1991, the
number of posts effectively assigned to the Directorate-
General for Competition was substantially lower than the
figure approved by the European Parliament in the 1991
budget; points out the need to adjust the resources of this
service to meet the extra workload resulting from the
considerable increase in activities, not least because of the
extension of Community relations (EFTA, countries of Central
and Eastern Europe, etc.);
15.Welcomes the draft Commission notice on application of
Articles 85 and 86 of the Treaty by the courts of the Member
States, which should help to encourage more intensive
application of the Community laws at national level; regrets,
however, that the draft notice was not sent to the European
16.Considers, however, that decentralized application of
competition law can only flourish when there is an adequate
framework of competition policy and competition law and
efficient merger control within each Member State, and that
any Member State without such a framework must develop one as
rapidly as possible;
17.Attaches importance to the Communication on transparency of
state aids adopted by the Commission in July 1991, and
emphasizes the need for the Commission to take account of
Parliament's views; is concerned that this communication will
introduce a regulatory bias against public enterprise by
imposing detailed bureaucratic intervention on public sector
organisations which does not apply to the private sector;
Believes that certain principles must be safeguarded:
- investment must not be assessed solely in terms of immediate
return but must also take account of other aspects and
objectives; commercial profitability although fundamental
may not be the sole criterion for assessing the activities
of public undertakings;
- any intervention should be based on Article 222 of the EEC
Treaty which provides that the form of ownership of
undertakings cannot be imposed on Member States;
Therefore calls upon the Commission to collaborate with
Parliament in reviewing the content of the Communication;
18.Stresses the importance of monitoring aid and notes with
interest the intention to extend such monitoring to all
existing aid; welcomes, furthermore, the intention to
implement a stricter policy as regards aid to the wealthier
regions of the Community which have greater resources than
the disadvantaged regions, given that this weakens cohesion;
considers that further progress should be made in respect of
current efforts to ensure transparency through greater
rationalization of existing rules and procedures; believes
that, in order to develop this policy in a coherent way, the
Commission should bring forward proposals for a Community
policy framework for investment incentives, with the
objective of:
(i) minimising the risk of Member States bidding against
each other for footloose investment,
(ii) maximising the impact of any investment incentives on
the global total of investment in the Community,
(iii) encouraging a pattern of investment in keeping with the
Community's regional, social and environmental
19.Recalls that in its resolution of 24 January 1991 on the 19th
Commission report on competition policy, the European
Parliament noted that State aid was intrinsically neither
beneficial nor harmful, but that it was necessary to evaluate
the purpose for which it was being used and its possible
effects on economic and social cohesion;
20.Welcomes the Commission's favourable attitude to
environmental aid over the last year, and specifies that such
aid is justified, if it allows undertakings better to adapt
their installations to the new Community legislation in the
field of environmental protection;
German unification
21.Calls for continued vigilance by the Commission to ensure
that the privatisation process being carried out by the
Treuhandanstalt remains fair and transparent, and that the
new German Länder are truly open to all Community investors
on a non-discriminatory basis;
22.Welcomes the Commission's decision of 18 September 1991 on
monitoring aids paid by the Treuhandanstalt, the world's
largest industrial holding company, which recognized the need
for massive public support for transforming a centrally
managed system into a social market economy;
23.Reaffirms that major state aids will be required to rebuild
the economies of the five new Länder but insists that they
are not disproportionate to their objective, especially
relative to aids provided to other disadvantaged areas in the
24.Calls on the Commission to ensure that the vitally necessary
reconstruction of the economy of the five new German Länder
is not used as an excuse to increase production capacities in
sectors such as steel;
25.Deeply regrets that it was not informed of the declaration in
the Council Minutes when the 7th Code of aids to shipbuilding
was adopted that shipyards in the five new German Länder
might later be given a temporary derogation from the
provisions of the Directive; considers that such a
declaration, on which Parliament was not consulted, undercut
the value of the adopted Directive, and prevented proper
debate within Parliament of the possible derogation; the
European Parliament, with the support of the Commission,
shall apply to the Council to ensure that in the future it
automatically also sends Parliament the Minutes and/or
Declarations concerning all matters on which it has already
been consulted previously;
26.Calls for more information from the Commission about the
agreements that have been reached between the Commission and
the German authorities on the phasing out of existing aid to
West Berlin and to the former border areas in Western
International aspects of competition policy
27.Supports the Commission in its endeavour to establish further
international anti-trust agreements; is of the opinion that
the next bilateral agreement to be concluded should be
between the European Community and Japan;
28.Takes note of the reaching of an agreement with the EFTA
countries, but considers it essential for the achievement of
the European Economic Area that the EFTA area also be subject
to control by an authority with equivalent powers with regard
to competition to those of the Commission, while requesting
more details on the way this instrument would operate;
however, reserves the right to give its opinion on this when
it considers the treaty establishing the European Economic
Area, which it expects to be forwarded as soon as possible;
points to the need for a uniform approach to merger control
in the European Economic Area;
29.Considers that it is of the utmost importance that those
countries of Central and Eastern Europe which are currently
developing a market economy should conduct a competition
policy of their own but which reflects as far as possible EEC
competition policy; believes that the experiences of the five
new German Länder have shown some of the very real problems
that are involved in this context, calls for these special
circumstances to be taken into account when negotiating
association agreements with these countries, and calls for
cooperation and assistance in developing an efficient system
of competition in Central and Eastern Europe;
30.Welcomes the recent agreement with the United States on a
more detailed framework for relations between the European
Community anti-trust authorities and those of the United
31.Believes there is an urgent need for reform of GATT to
include the development of an international system of
competition based on minimum standards of competition law;
32.Welcomes the Commission's intention to publish in the
Official Journals all decisions on aids and anti-trust
Other issues
33.Notes the judgments handed down by the Court of Justice in
the 'Automec' and 'Omni-Partijen Akkoord' cases, and the
important role played by the Court of Justice in interpreting
and clarifying certain questions concerning the
administrative procedures of the Commission in applying
Articles 85 and 86 of the Treaty;
34.Welcomes, above all, the fact that recent case law has served
to strengthen the rights and procedural guarantees of the
parties in such administrative procedures;
35.Believes, nevertheless, that although the judgments handed
down in recent years have confirmed the Commission's wide
powers with regard to inspection and verification, they have
also highlighted certain aspects of the procedures in
question which confirm Parliament's long-standing concern
that in these procedures, the Commission is, at one and the
same time, examiner, prosecutor and judge;
36.Notes that the Commission has recently published its promised
guidelines on the application of the Community competition
rules in the telecommunications sector, but regrets that they
were published in the Official Journal without having been
first transmitted to the European Parliament; welcomes the
recent Commission inquiry into international
telecommunications tariffs, and calls for an explanation as
to why they are often 2-3 times higher than national tariffs,
and also why there are such great differences between
equivalent national tariffs within the Community;
37.Calls on the Commission also to deal decisively with other
situations which citizens would find hard to accept after 31
December 1992, such as high air fares, large differences in
car prices and high bank charges;
38.Welcomes the Commission's declared intention to vigorously
apply the rules of competition in liberal professions and
service sectors, such as medical services, consultancies and
real estate agencies; calls on the Commission to carry out a
thorough review of national legislation which creates real
barriers to persons wishing to take up employment in
professional occupations and services;
39.Calls on the Commission to report back to the Parliament on
the extent to which price fixing and cartel arrangements are
still being practised within the European steel industry;
40.Further calls on the Commission to state whether a multi-
media regulation is required at European Community level, in
order to prevent unacceptable dominance of the audiovisual
and media sectors by a few transnational groups;
41.Calls on the Commission to make known as soon as possible its
views on the compatibility of different sets of price
regulations for books in the context of the internal market,
given the desirability of having the same regulation apply in
at least the same language area, in the light of a resolution
to this effect adopted by the European Parliament in 1987 and
the commitment made at the time by the Commission;
o o
42.Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the
Commission, the Council, the competition authorities in the
Member States and the EFTA countries, and the governments and
parliaments of the Member States and the EFTA countries.