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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio Partito radicale
Stango Antonio, Khramov Nikolaj, Barascu Violeta - 7 gennaio 1990
Special motion presented at the Federal council of Rome - 2-7 January 1990

ABSTRACT: This special motion, presented by Antonio Stango, Nikolaj Khramov and Violeta Barascu has been approved by the Assembly with 53 votes in favour and one abstention.

The Federal Council of the RADICAL PARTY, meeting in Rome from January 2 to January 7, 1990,

CONSIDERING the present situation in Romania, a country which is currently living under military occupation and where the turmoil of political and social transformation is at the moment passing through a phase of great difficulty - and at the same time - of great hope;

CONSIDERING the urgent need in Europe to lay the foundations for a new federalism, through effectively overcoming totalitarianism and the havoc it leaves in its wake;

CONSIDERING the opportunity to contribute to the fight for democracy under way at the moment in the Soviet Union in particular, where hundreds of Radical members and sympathizers are operating in conditions which are still those of a single party regime, with the repression of independant activities and very serious hindrance to the free circulation of individual persons;


The First Secretary and the Treasurer, together with the President of the Party and the President of the Federal Council, to work to ensure:

a) The Radical Party's immediate presence in Romania, to nourish the very life of the party of that experience, and to contribute to the debate which has dramatically opened in the country both with the contribution of Radical methodology and through the transnational, federalist and nonviolent proposal;

b) the preparation of a seminaire on federalism (also as a response to the crumbling of the Soviet empire), to be held within the next few months, probably in Lithuania;

c) the launching of a transnational campaign for the liberation of Serghej Kuznetzov (the free-lance journalist condemned in the USSR in November 1989 to three and a half years in a lager for his criticism of the KGB), for whose sake Andreij Sacharov had addressed his very last apeal;

d) the preparation, for next spring, of a day of transnational mobilization for the recognition of conscientious objection and of civilian service in the Soviet Union.

Argomenti correlati:
consiglio federale pr
obiezione di coscienza
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