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   26 luglio 1990 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1990/64 Member Name E90r064 26 July 1990 36th Plenary Meeting 1990/64. Special disaster relief assistance to
the Islamic Republic of Iran The Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly resolution 44/242 of 28 June
   26 luglio 1990 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1990/65 Member Name E90r065 26 July 1990 36th Plenary Meeting 1990/65. Assistance to the Republic of Yemen
The Economic and Social Council, Welcoming the establishment of the Republic of Yemen and bearing in mind the
   26 luglio 1990 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1990/66 26 July 1990 36th Plenary Meeting Member Name E90r066 1990/66. Assistance for the reconstruction and
development of Lebanon The Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly resolution 44/180 of 19 December
   26 luglio 1990 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1990/67 Member Name E90r067 26 July 1990 36th Plenary Meeting 1990/67. Operation Lifeline Sudan The
Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly resolutions 43/8 of 18 October 1988, 43/52 of 6 December 1988
   24 luglio 1990 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1990/51 Member Name E90r051 24 July 1990 34th Plenary Meeting 1990/51. Capital punishment The Economic and
Social Council, Recalling General Assembly resolutions 2857 (XXVI) of 20 December 1971, 32/61 of 8 December 1977, 39/118
   24 luglio 1990 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1990/51 Member Name E90r051 24 July 1990 34th Plenary Meeting 1990/51. Capital punishment The Economic and
Social Council, Recalling General Assembly resolutions 2857 (XXVI) of 20 December 1971, 32/61 of 8 December 1977, 39/118
   24 luglio 1990 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1990/52 Member Name E90r052 24 July 1990 34th Plenary Meeting 1990/52. Role of the United Nations in the
early identification, analysis and forecasting of world economic developments The Economic and Social Council,
   24 luglio 1990 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1990/53 Member Name E90r053 24 July 1990 34th Plenary Meeting 1990/53. Israeli economic practices in the
occupied Palestinian and other Arab territories The Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly decision
   24 luglio 1990 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1990/54 Member Name E90r054 24 July 1990 34th Plenary Meeting 1990/54. Implementation of the Declaration on
International Economic Co-operation, in particular the Revitalization of Economic Growth and Development of the
   24 luglio 1990 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1990/55 Member Name E90r055 24 July 1990 34th Plenary Meeting 1990/55. Enlargement of the Executive
Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees The Economic and Social Council,
   13 luglio 1990 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1990/50 Member Name E90r050 13 July 1990 28th Plenary Meeting 1990/50. International co-operation to address
and mitigate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant The Economic and Social Council,
   9 luglio 1990 - - di: Aglietta Adelaide, Melandri Eugenio, Bettini Virginio
Somalia: Proposta di risoluzione
Somalia: Proposta di risoluzione presentata dagli onn. MELANDRI, BETTINI e AGLIETTA a nome del gruppo Verde al PE sulla
situazione in Somalia. SOMMARIO: in relazione alle uccisioni di cittadini comunitari, alle continue violazioni dei
   9 luglio 1990 - - di: Aglietta Adelaide, Melandri Eugenio, Langer Alex
Albania: Proposta di risoluzione
Albania: Proposta di risoluzione presentata dagli onn. AGLIETTA, MELANDRI e LANGER a nome del gruppo Verde al PE sulla
situazione politica in Albania SOMMARIO: Esprimendo indignazione per l'uso delle armi da parte della polizia albanese e
   27 giugno 1990 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 658 (1990)
RESOLUTION 658 (1990) RESOLUTION S90R658 S/RES/658 (1990) 27 June 1990 Adopted by the Security Council at its 2929th
meeting, on 27 June 1990 The Security Council, Recalling its resolution 621 (1988) of 20 September 1988, by which it
   15 giugno 1990 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 657 (1990)
RESOLUTION 657 (1990) RESOLUTION S90R657 S/RES/657 (1990) 15 June 1990 Adopted by the Security Council at its 2928th
meeting, on 15 June 1990 The Security Council, Noting the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations
   12 giugno 1990 - - di: Pannella Marco
Sudafrica: Proposta di risoluzione
Sudafrica: Proposta di risoluzione SOMMARIO: La risoluzione chiede che vengano cancellate da parte della CEE e degli
stati membri le sanzioni verso la repubblica sudafricana, che venga avviato un aiuto allo sviluppo economico e
   8 giugno 1990 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 656 (1990)
RESOLUTION 656 (1990) RESOLUTION S90R656 S/RES/656 (1990) 8 June 1990 Adopted by the Security Council at its 2927th
meeting, on 8 June 1990 The Security Council, Recalling its resolution 654 (1990) of 4 May 1990 and the statement
   31 maggio 1990 - - di: Security Council
RESOLUTION 655 (1990)
RESOLUTION 655 (1990) RESOLUTION S90R655 S/RES/655 (1990) 31 May 1990 Adopted by the Security Council at its 2925th
meeting, on 31 May 1990 The Security Council, Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the United
   25 maggio 1990 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1990/34 Member Name E90r034 25 May 1990 14th Plenary Meeting 1990/34. Adverse consequences for the enjoyment
of human rights of political, military, economic and other forms of assistance given to the racist and colonialist regime
   25 maggio 1990 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1990/35 Member Name E90r035 25 May 1990 14th Plenary Meeting 1990/35. Right to freedom of opinion and
expression The Economic and Social Council, Recalling Commission on Human Rights resolutions 1984/26 of 12 March 1984,
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