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11 marzo 1995
- - di: the Economist
• International penal Tribunal. International penal Tribunal. MAKING RULES FOR WAR SUMMARY: With the UN war-crimes Tribunal comes another attempt to limit the horrors that happen when people fight each other. Say it quietly, but this one may get somewhere. (The |
23 dicembre 1994
- - di: the economist
• The question of Chechnya. The question of Chechnya. "CHECHNYA REQUESTS INDEPENDENCE" SUMMARY: Is the claim of Chechnya to self-determination reasonable? Was it right to maintain by force the federal link that binds this region to Russia? Did the reasons of the |
22 ottobre 1994
- - di: Andrews John, The Economist
• A survey on the EU. A survey on the EU. THE EUROPEAN UNION John Andrews SUMMARY: After a success built on dreams, the European Union is beset with problems. In the present survey, John Andrews deals with the social, economic and political aspects of the |
22 ottobre 1994
- - di: Andrews John, The Economist
• EU: the social question. EU: the social question. 2. A JOB-DESTROYING MACHINE Margaret Thatcher will never find a M place in a pantheon of the EU'S champions. That will be reserved for "true Europeans", such as Messrs Monnet, Adenauer, De Gasperi, Delors, Kohl and |
22 ottobre 1994
- - di: Andrews John, The Economist
• The commercial assets of the EU. The commercial assets of the EU. 3. A QUESTION OF CULTURE Carving gracefully through the dazzling sky of C south-west France, an Airbus A340 is Put through its paces. On the tarmac, other aircraft, slim A320s and bulky A310s, glisten in |
22 ottobre 1994
- - di: Andrews John, The Economist
• EU: the single market. EU: the single market. 4. A SINGULAR MARKET Free movement for Europe's workers, goods, services and money - if there is one thing that squabbling Europeans can always agree on it is the importance of the "single market". And rightly so. A |
22 ottobre 1994
- - di: Andrews John, The Economist
• History of the european construction. History of the european construction. 5. HISTORY MATTERS Most 50 years ago, the snow-covered hills of the Belgian Ardennes were stained with blood. in 34 days of siege and counter-siege, some 100,000 German soldiers, 80,000 Americans, |
22 ottobre 1994
- - di: Andrews John, The Economist
• EU: the 1996 conference. EU: the 1996 conference. 6. 1996 AND ALL THAT Variable geometry, multi-track, multi-speed, V two-tier, hard core, concentric circles, A la carte, deepening, widening ... More than ever, Europe's politicians are mixing their metaphors. |
22 ottobre 1994
- - di: Andrews John, The Economist
• EU: how to face the future? EU: how to face the future? 7. MIXED EXPECTATIONS "First we must modernise France," said Jean Monnet to Walt Rostow, an American economist, in 1947. "Without a vital France there can be no Europe. Then we must unite Western Europe. When |
15 ottobre 1994
- - di: The Economist
• Europe: the rise of nationalisms. Europe: the rise of nationalisms. WESTERN EUROPE'S NATIONALISTS THE RISE OF THE OUTSIDE RIGHT SUMMARY: Pessimists fear that the spectre of fascism is stalking Europe. But how strong - and how fascist - is the new phenomenon ? (The |
10 settembre 1994
- - di: the economist
• EU: CDU/CSU and Balladur's proposals. EU: CDU/CSU and Balladur's proposals. EUROPEAN UNION BACK TO THE DRAWING-BOARD SUMMARY: In 1951, Germany and France began working towards a united Europe. Britain snubbed their invitation to join the forerunner of the European Union, |
10 settembre 1994
- - di: The Economist
• Europe's enlargement to the East. Europe's enlargement to the East. KLAUS ON EUROPE So far, so good SUMMARY: Five years after the "velvet revolutions" of Central and Eastern Europe, Vaclav Klaus, prime minister of the Czech Republic, assesses the progress of the |
28 luglio 1994
- - di: Yanez-Barnuevo Luis
• POR UNA POLITICA DIFERENTE EN MATERIA DE DROGAS POR UNA POLITICA DIFERENTE EN MATERIA DE DROGAS Luis Yáñez-Barnuevo SUMARIO: El claro fracaso de la política prohibicionista hace que sea necesaria e inaplazable una revisión de la Convención Unica de 1960 y de la Convención de |
1 gennaio 1993
- - di: Gomez Hurtado Enrique
• LA TRAGEDIA DE LA DROGA LA TRAGEDIA DE LA DROGA ENRIQUE GOMEZ HURTADO Perspectiva de una solución (Institución Universitaria Sergio Arboleda) SUMARIO: Profundo análisis sobre la situación actual del tráfico de droga en los mercados internacionales. El estudio se |
17 febbraio 1992
- - di: Il Partito Nuovo
• Armi e sicurezza Armi e sicurezza SOMMARIO: In un editoriale dell'»Economist del 18 gennaio 1992, intitolato »La futilità della guerra , si leggeva: »Malgrado tutta la loro forza militare, i serbi hanno ottenuto più una sconfitta che una vittoria . André |
6 maggio 1990
- - di: Harman Nicolas
• LA POLITICA DE LA SENSATEZ LA POLITICA DE LA SENSATEZ Por Nicolas Harman (Editor para Asuntos Latinoamericanos del semanario británico "The Economist") Artículo publicado por "Cambio 16" (23-4-1990) El mundo se está uniendo en una guerra contra las drogas -o |
17 ottobre 1989
- - di: The Economist
• USA - Guerra alla droga: Missione impossibile. USA - Guerra alla droga: Missione impossibile. SOMMARIO: Stati Uniti e Colombia hanno fallito nella guerra contro la droga per la stessa ragione: perché la repressione non può condurre alla vittoria. Per capirne il motivo è sufficiente |
2 ottobre 1989
- - di: Samper Pizano Daniel
• (4) LOS ESPAÑOLES QUE QUIEREN LEGALIZAR LAS DROGAS (4) LOS ESPAÑOLES QUE QUIEREN LEGALIZAR LAS DROGAS EL MOVIMIENTO PARA LEGALIZAR LA DROGA CRECE EN ESPAÑA Daniel Samper Pizano SUMARIO: Los partidarios de despenalizar la droga irán en España con listas propias a las elecciones. El éxito |
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