lun 04 nov. 2024 |
19 elementi trovati, pagina 1 di 1 | |||
22 giugno 1995
- Archivio Emma Bonino commissario UE - di: Il Salvagente
• IO, BONINO, MI PRESENTO IO, BONINO, MI PRESENTO 22 giugno 1995 di Giommaria Ponti IL SALVAGENTE ________ SOMMARIO. Interessante dibattito tra esponenti delle strutture che si occupano del consumo e della difesa dei consumatori, che consente ad Emma Bonino di |
16 settembre 1992
- - di: Parlamento Europeo
• Media concentration Media concentration RESOLUTION A3-0153/92/corr. Resolution on media concentration and diversity of opinions The European Parliament, -having regard to its resolution of 15 February 1990 on concentration in the mediaOJ No. C 68, |
31 luglio 1992
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1992/45 RESOLUTION 1992/45 Resolution E92r045 31 July 1992 42nd plenary meeting Europe-Africa permanent link through the Strait of Gibraltar The Economic and Social Council, Recalling its resolution 1991/74 of 26 July 1991 and other |
30 luglio 1992
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1992/19 RESOLUTION 1992/19 Resolution E92r019 30 July 1992 40th plenary meeting Communications on the status of women The Economic and Social Council, Recalling its resolutions 76 (V) of 5 August 1947 and 304 I (XI) of 14 and 17 July 1950, |
26 luglio 1991
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1991/75 RESOLUTION 1991/75 Resolution E91r075 26 July 1991 32nd plenary meeting Phase II of the Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific, 1985-1994 The Economic and Social Council, Noting resolution 47/10 of 10 April 1991 |
26 luglio 1991
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1991/83 RESOLUTION 1991/83 Resolution E91r083 26 July 1991 32nd plenary meeting Second Transport and Communications Decade in Africa The Economic and Social Council, Recalling resolution 88/73 of 24 March 1988 of the Conference of African |
24 maggio 1990
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1990/8 RESOLUTION 1990/8 Member Name E90r008 24 May 1990 13th Plenary Meeting 1990/8. Communications concerning the status of women The Economic and Social Council, Recalling its resolutions 76 (V) of 5 August 1947 and 304 (XI) of 14 and 17 July |
1 aprile 1990
- - di: Taradash Marco
• Convenzione di Lomé: Interrogazione orale presentata da Marco Taradash Convenzione di Lomé: Interrogazione orale presentata da Marco Taradash alla Commissione delle Comunità europee. Oggetto: Comunicazioni nei paesi ACP e applicazione dell'art. 132 della IV Convenzione di Lomé La III Convenzione di |
14 febbraio 1990
- - di: Taradash Marco
• Risoluzione sulla concentrazione dei mezzi di informazione presentata Risoluzione sulla concentrazione dei mezzi di informazione presentata da Marco Taradash e altri. Parlamento europeo 14-02-1990 Il Parlamento europeo, A. ricordando che la completa integrazione del mercato interno della Comunità deve |
17 novembre 1989
- - di: Teodori Massimo
• Com'è bello e comodo sparare sulla P2 Com'è bello e comodo sparare sulla P2 Massimo Teodori SOMMARIO: Negli anni dell'inchiesta parlamentare sulla P2 la maggioranza, simboleggiata da Tina Anselmi, se a parole demonizzava Gelli e la loggia, nei fatti rifuggiva |
28 luglio 1988
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1988/67 RESOLUTION 1988/67 Member Name E88r067 28 July 1988 40th plenary meeting Transport and Communications Decade in Africa The Economic and Social Council, Recalling resolution 291 (XIII) of 26 February 1977 of the Conference of Ministers of |
11 marzo 1986
- - di: Negri Giovanni
• RAI - ESPOSTO-DENUNCIA RAI - ESPOSTO-DENUNCIA di Giovanni Negri SOMMARIO: Esposto-denuncia in data 11 marzo 1986, a firma Giovanni Negri, relativo a violazioni commesse da Zavoli ed Agnes nell'esercizio dei poteri di ordinaria amministrazione loro delegati |
26 luglio 1985
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1985/65 RESOLUTION 1985/65 Member Name E85r065 26 July 1985 52nd plenary meeting Transport and Communications Decade in Africa The Economic and Social Council, Recalling its resolution 2097 (LXIII) of 29 July 1977 and General Assembly resolution |
26 luglio 1985
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1985/70 RESOLUTION 1985/70 Member Name E85r070 26 July 1985 52nd plenary meeting Europe-Africa permanent link through the Strait of Gibraltar The Economic and Social Council, Recalling its resolutions 1982/57 of 30 July 1982, 1983/62 of 29 |
27 luglio 1984
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1984/68 RESOLUTION 1984/68 Member Name E84r068 27 July 1984 Meeting 50 Transport and Communications Decade in Africa The Economic and Social Council, Recalling resolution 291(XIII), adopted on 26 February 1977 by the Conference of Ministers |
26 maggio 1983
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1983/7 RESOLUTION 1983/7 Member Name E83r007 26 May 1983 Work of the Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods The Economic and Social Council, Recalling its resolutions 468 G (XV) of 15 April 1953, 645 G (XXIII) of 26 April 1957, |
3 dicembre 1982
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION A37R050 RESOLUTION A37R050 A/RES/37/50 3 December 1982 Channels of communication between the United Nations and youth organizations The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 32/135 of 16 December 1977 and 36/17 of 9 November |
17 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/177 RESOLUTION 36/177 Resolution A36r177 17 December 1981 Transport and Communications Decade in Africa The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 32/160 of 19 December 1977, 33/197 of 29 January 1979 and 34/15 of 9 November 1979 |
9 novembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/17 RESOLUTION 36/17 Resolution A36r017 9 November 1981 49th plenary meeting Channels of communication between the United Nations and youth and youth organizations The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 32/135 of 16 December 1977, in |
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