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Notizie Radicali, il giornale telematico di Radicali Italiani
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i testi dal 1955 al 1998

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   28 maggio 1987 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1987/39 Member Name E87r039 28 May 1987 17th plenary meeting Critical social situation in Africa The
Economic and Social Council, Recalling the Declaration on Social Progress and Development, which provides the framework
   28 maggio 1987 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1987/41 Member Name E87r041 28 May 1987 17th plenary meeting Implementation of the International Plan of
Action on Aging The Economic and Social Council, Noting with appreciation the results of the World Assembly on Aging,
   28 maggio 1987 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1987/42 Member Name E87r042 28 May 1987 17th plenary meeting Need to enhance international co-operation in
the field of the protection of and assistance for the family The Economic and Social Council, Recommends to the General
   28 maggio 1987 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1987/43 Member Name E87r043 28 May 1987 17th plenary meeting United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons The
Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly resolutions 37/52 of 3 December 1982, by which the Assembly
   26 maggio 1987 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1987/14 Member Name e87r014 26 May 1987 14th Plenary Meeting Assistance to the drought-stricken areas of
Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, the Sudan and Uganda The Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly
   26 maggio 1987 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1987/15 Member Name e87r015 26 May 1987 14th Plenary Meeting Assistance for reconstruction in Vanuatu The
Economic and Social Council, Deeply concerned at the devastation caused to Vanuatu by cyclone Uma on 7 and 8 February
   26 maggio 1987 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1987/16 Member Name e87r016 26 May 1987 14th Plenary Meeting Assistance to El Salvador The Economic and
Social Council, Bearing in mind General Assembly resolutions 41/2 of 14 October 1986 concerning emergency assistance to
   26 maggio 1987 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1987/17 Member Name e87r017 26 May 1987 14th Plenary Meeting Assistance to Ecuador The Economic and Social
Council, Stressing the need for the international community to take measures to provide effective assistance for the
   23 luglio 1986 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1986/74 Member Name E86r074 23 July 1986 38th plenary meeting Policy review of operational activities for
development The Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly resolutions 3201 (S-VI) and 3202 (S-VI) of 1
   22 luglio 1986 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1986/45 Member Name E86r045 22 July 1986 38th plenary meeting Assistance to the drought-stricken areas of
Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, the Sudan and Uganda The Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly
   22 luglio 1986 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1986/49 Member Name E86r049 22 July 1986 38th plenary meeting Assistance to the Palestinian people The
Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly resolution 40/170 of 17 December 1985, Recalling also Council
   23 maggio 1986 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1986/21 Member Name E86r021 23 May 1986 19th plenary meeting Palestinian women The Economic and Social
Council, Deeply concerned about the prevailing living conditions of Palestinian women, Recalling the relevant
   23 maggio 1986 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1986/25 Member Name E86r025 23 May 1986 19th plenary meeting Measures of assistance provided to South
African, Namibian and refugee women The Economic and Social Council, Taking note of the report of the World Conference
   23 maggio 1986 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1986/26 Member Name E86r026 23 May 1986 19th plenary meeting Elderly women The Economic and Social Council,
Mindful of the International Plan of Action on Aging adopted by the World Assembly on Aging, in which it is indicated
   22 maggio 1986 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1986/16 Member Name E86r016 22 May 1986 18th plenary meeting United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons The
Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly resolutions 40/31 of 29 November 1985, urging international
   26 luglio 1985 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1985/59 Member Name E85r059 26 July 1985 52nd plenary meeting Implementation of the Declaration on the
Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions
   26 luglio 1985 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION L985/62 Member Name E85r062 26 July l985 52nd plenary meeting African Institute for Economic Development and
Planning The Economic and Social Council, Recalling resolutions 285 (XII) of 28 February l975, 350 (XIV) of 27 March
   26 luglio 1985 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1985/80 Member Name E85r080 26 July 1985 52nd plenary meeting Critical economic situation in Africa The
Economic and Social Council, Recalling the Declaration on the Critical Economic Situation in Africa adopted by the
   25 luglio 1985 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1985/56 Member Name E85r056 25 July 1985 52nd plenary meeting Assistance for the reconstruction and
development of Lebanon The Economic and Social Council 1. Takes note with interest of the oral report made on 9 July
   25 luglio 1985 - - di: Economic and Social Council
RESOLUTION 1985/57 Member Name E85r057 25 July 1985 52nd plenary meeting Assistance to the Palestinian people The
Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly resolution 39/224 of 18 December 1984, Recalling also Council
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