dom 15 set. 2024 |
162 elementi trovati, pagina 7 di 9 prima prec. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 succ. ultima | |||
17 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/218 RESOLUTION 36/218 Resolution A36r218 17 December 1981 Assistance to Uganda The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 35/103 of 5 December 1980, in which it, inter alia, expressed its deep concern at the tragic loss of life, |
17 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/219 RESOLUTION 36/219 Resolution A36r219 17 December 1981 Assistance to Lesotho The General Assembly, Recalling Security Council resolution 402 (1976) of 22 December 1976, in which the Council, inter alia, expressed concern at the serious |
17 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/220 RESOLUTION 36/220 Resolution A36r220 17 December 1981 Assistance for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the Gambia The General Assembly, Deeply concerned about the extensive destruction of life and property as well as the |
17 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/221 RESOLUTION 36/221 Resolution A36r221 17 December 1981 Assistance to the drought-stricken areas in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, the Sudan and Uganda The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 35/90 and 35/91 of 5 December 1980 |
17 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/222 RESOLUTION 36/222 Resolution A36r222 17 December 1981 Assistance to Botswana The General Assembly, Recalling Security Council resolutions 403 (1977) of 14 January 1977 and 406 (1977) of 25 May 1977, concerning the complaint by the |
17 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/223 RESOLUTION 36/223 Resolution A36r223 17 December 1981 Assistance to Zimbabwe The General Assembly, Noting the statement made before the General Assembly at its eleventh special session, on 26 August 1980, by the Prime Minister of |
16 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/153 RESOLUTION 36/153 Resolution A36r153 16 December 1981 Assistance to refugees in Somalia The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 35/180 of 15 December 1980 on the question of assistance to refugees in Somalia, Recalling |
16 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/156 RESOLUTION 36/156 Resolution A36r156 16 December 1981 Humanitarian assistance to refugees in Djibouti The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 35/182 of 15 December 1980 on the humanitarian assistance to refugees in Djibouti, |
16 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/161 RESOLUTION 36/161 Resolution A36r161 16 December 1981 Assistance to displaced persons in Ethiopia The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 35/91 of 5 December 1980 and Economic and Social Council resolution 1980/54 of 24 |
16 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/170 RESOLUTION 36/170 Resolution A36r170 16 December 1981 Assistance to student refugees in southern Africa The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 35/184 of 15 December 1980, in which it, inter alia, requested the Secretary-General |
14 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/124 RESOLUTION 36/124 Resolution A36r124 14 December 1981 International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 35/42 of 25 November 1980 relating to the International Conference on |
10 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/108 RESOLUTION 36/108 Resolution A36r108 10 December 1981 United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law The General Assembly, Noting with appreciation the report of |
4 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/70 RESOLUTION 36/70 Resolution A36r070 4 December 1981 Assistance to the Palestinian people The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 33/147 of 20 December 1978, 34/133 of 14 December 1979 and 35/111 of 5 December 1980, |
4 dicembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/73 RESOLUTION 36/73 Resolution A36r073 4 December 1981 Living conditions of the Palestinian people The General Assembly, Recalling the Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlements, l976, and the relevant recommendations for national action |
19 novembre 1981
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION 36/42 RESOLUTION 36/42 Resolution A36r042 19 November 1981 64th plenary meeting Mobilization of personal savings The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 3201 (S-VI) and 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974, containing the Declaration and the |
1 ottobre 1977
- - di: Teodori Massimo, Ignazi Piero, Panebianco Angelo
• I NUOVI RADICALI: (2) La solitudine di una minoranza I NUOVI RADICALI: (2) La solitudine di una minoranza di Massimo Teodori, Piero Ignazi, Angelo Panebianco SOMMARIO: L'interpretazione storica del Partito Radicale fondata sulla ricostruzione delle diverse fasi della vicenda radicale dal |
1 gennaio 1975
- - di: Pannella Marco
• Un monumento al "Ragazzo Ignoto" Un monumento al "Ragazzo Ignoto" Marco Pannella SOMMARIO: Nella prefazione al libro "Un ragazzo all'inferno" di Mario Appignani, Marco Pannella la denuncia delle diverse forme di violenze praticate nelle istituzioni pubbliche e clericali |
9 maggio 1974
- - di: Galli Marisa
• Il "no" di una suora Il "no" di una suora di Marisa Galli SOMMARIO: La presa di posizione di Suor Marisa Galli contro l'abrogazione del divorzio chiesto dalle organizzazioni clericali e sostenuto dalla Dc. L'unità della famiglia non pụ essere affidata ad |
28 aprile 1972
- - di: Partito radicale del Lazio
• FINALMENTE LA SENTENZA PETRUCCI! FINALMENTE LA SENTENZA PETRUCCI! SOMMARIO: [Volantino ciclostilato, aprile 1972]. A proposito della sentenza emessa dal tribunale nei confronti dell'ex sindaco di Roma Amerigo Petrucci, si riportano i testi di due sonetti di Giuseppe G. |
31 gennaio 1972
- - di: Pergameno Silvio
• La »roba clericale (II) La »roba clericale (II) Il potere temporale negli anni '70: l'assistenza. di Silvio Pergameno SOMMARIO: Con un breve excursus storico l'autore illustra il rapporto Chiesa-Stato nell'ambito assistenziale dall'unità d'Italia ad oggi. Si |
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