sab 07 dic. 2024 |
450 elementi trovati, pagina 5 di 23 prima prec. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 succ. ultima | |||
15 agosto 1991
- - di: Security Council
• RESOLUTION 705 (1991) RESOLUTION 705 (1991) RESOLUTION S91R705 S/RES/705 (1991) 15 August 1991 Adopted by the Security Council at its 3004th meeting, on 15 August 1991 The Security Council, Having considered the note of 30 May 1991 of the |
15 luglio 1990
- - di: Cora
• CORA: Mozione approvata dal Consiglio Generale del 13-14-15 luglio. CORA: Mozione approvata dal Consiglio Generale del 13-14-15 luglio. SOMMARIO: La mozione individua gli strumenti prioritari con i quali organizzare un'alternativa politica e legislativa alla intolleranza e all'autoritarismo del |
1 maggio 1990
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION B18R003 RESOLUTION B18R003 A/RES/S-18/3 1 Maggio 1990 11th plenary meeting Declaration on International Economic Co-operation, in particular the Revitalization of Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries The General Assembly |
28 aprile 1990
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION B18R002 RESOLUTION B18R002 A/RES/S-18/2 28 Aprile 1990 9th plenary meeting Credentials of representatives to the eighteenth special session of the General Assembly The General Assembly Approves the report of the Credentials Committee. |
23 aprile 1990
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION B18R001 RESOLUTION B18R001 A/RES/S-18/1 23 Aprile 1990 1st plenary meeting Admission of the Republic of Namibia to membership in the United Nations The General Assembly, Having received the recommendation of the Security Council of 17 April 1990 |
23 febbraio 1990
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION B17R001 RESOLUTION B17R001 A/RES/S-17/1 23 Fbbraio 1990 7th plenary meeting Credentials of representatives to the seventeenth special session of the General Assembly The General Assembly Approves the report of the Credentials Committee. |
23 febbraio 1990
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION B17R002 RESOLUTION B17R002 A/RES/S-17/2 23 Febbraio 1990 8th plenary meeting Political Declaration and Global Programme of Action adopted by the General Assembly at its seventeenth special session, devoted to the question of international |
14 dicembre 1989
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION B16R001 RESOLUTION B16R001 A/RES/S-16/1 14 Dicembre 1989 6th plenary meeting Declaration on Apartheid and its Destructive Consequences in Southern Africa The General Assembly Adopts the Declaration on Apartheid and its Destructive |
25 giugno 1989
- - di: Teodori Massimo
• Un papocchio targato Iotti Un papocchio targato Iotti Massimo Teodori SOMMARIO: L'amministrazione della Camera dei Deputati è in crisi da molti anni, con una progressiva accentuazione durante la presidenza Iotti. Tra i vari scandali e travolgimenti delle procedure, |
14 giugno 1988
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION B15R001 RESOLUTION B15R001 A/RES/S-15/1 14 Giugno 1988 20th plenary meeting Credentials of representatives to the fifteenth special session of the General Assembly The General Assembly Approves the first report of the Credentials Committee. |
20 settembre 1986
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION B14R001 RESOLUTION B14R001 A/RES/S-14/1 20 Settembre 1986 7th plenary meeting Question of Namibia The General Assembly Having considered the question of Namibia at a special session, Reaffirming that Namibia is the direct responsibility of |
22 luglio 1986
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1986/53 RESOLUTION 1986/53 Member Name E86r053 22 July 1986 38th plenary meeting Work of the United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations The Economic and Social Council, Recalling its resolution 1913 (LVII) of 5 December 1974, in |
1 giugno 1986
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION B13R002 RESOLUTION B13R002 A/RES/S-13/2 1 Giugno 1986 8th plenary meeting United Nations Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development 1986-1990 THE The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 39/29 of 3 December 1984 |
30 maggio 1986
- - di: General Assembly
• RESOLUTION B13R001 RESOLUTION B13R001 A/RES/S-13/1 30 Maggio 1986 7th plenary meeting Credentials of representatives to the thirteenth special session of the General Assembly The General Assembly Approves the report of the Credentials Committee. |
29 novembre 1985
- - di: General Assembly
• DECLARATION OF BASIC PRINCIPLES OF JUSTICE FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME AND AB DECLARATION OF BASIC PRINCIPLES OF JUSTICE FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME AND ABUSE OF POWER Resolution 40/34 29th November 1985 The General Assembly, Recalling that the Sixth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of |
30 maggio 1985
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1985/44 RESOLUTION 1985/44 Member Name E85r044 30 May 1985 25th plenary meeting Solemn commemorative ceremony in the light of General Assembly resolution 39/114 The Economic and Social Council, Taking note of General Assembly resolution 39/114 |
26 luglio 1984
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1984/62 RESOLUTION 1984/62 Member Name E84r062 26 July 1984 Meeting 49 Report of the Joint Inspection Unit on reporting to the Economic and Social Council The Economic and Social Council, Having considered the report of the Joint Inspection Unit |
26 luglio 1984
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1984/64 RESOLUTION 1984/64 Member Name E84r064 26 July 1984 Meeting 49 Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States The Economic and Social Council, Recalling the Declaration and Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New |
25 maggio 1984
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1984/48 RESOLUTION 1984/48 Member Name E84r048 25 May 1984 Meeting 21 Crime prevention and criminal justice in the context of development The Economic and Social Council, Having considered the report of the Committee on Crime Prevention and |
28 luglio 1983
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1983/54 RESOLUTION 1983/54 Member Name E83r054 28 July 1983 Application of computer technology in mineral exploration and development The Economic and Social Council, Recognizing the importance of the use of computer processing methods in |
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