mer 13 nov. 2024 |
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9 luglio 1991
- - di: Berthelemy Jean-Claude, Girardin Eric
• (1) Les nouvelles stratégies d'allégement de la dette des pays en voie (1) Les nouvelles stratégies d'allégement de la dette des pays en voie de développement New strategies for developing countries debt relief (1) Jean-Claude Berthélemy OCDE centre de développement Eric Girardin Université de Bordeaux 1 |
9 luglio 1991
- - di: Berthelemy Jean-Claude, Girardin Eric
• (2) Les nouvelles stratégies d'allégement de la dette des pays en voie (2) Les nouvelles stratégies d'allégement de la dette des pays en voie de développement New strategies for developing countries debt relief (2) Jean-Claude Berthélemy OCDE centre de développement Eric Girardin Université de Bordeaux 1 |
9 luglio 1991
- - di: Berthelemy Jean-Claude, Girardin Eric
• (3) Les nouvelles stratégies d'allégement de la dette des pays en voie (3) Les nouvelles stratégies d'allégement de la dette des pays en voie de développement New strategies for developing countries debt relief (3) Jean-Claude Berthélemy OCDE centre de développement Eric Girardin Université de Bordeaux 1 |
9 luglio 1991
- - di: Berthelemy Jean-Claude, Girardin Eric
• (4) Les nouvelles stratégies d'allégement de la dette des pays en voie (4) Les nouvelles stratégies d'allégement de la dette des pays en voie de développement New strategies for developing countries debt relief (4) Jean-Claude Berthélemy OCDE centre de développement Eric Girardin Université de Bordeaux 1 |
9 luglio 1991
- - di: Mullei Andrew K.
• DIMENSIONS OF THE AFRICAN EXTERNAL DEBT PROBLEM DIMENSIONS OF THE AFRICAN EXTERNAL DEBT PROBLEM Redifining the Role of the London Club (A paper prepared for the North South Roundtable on African Debt Relief, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 8 9 July, 1991.) By Andrew K. Mullei Director |
9 luglio 1991
- - di: Le Bouder Jean-Pierre
• Structural Adjustment, Good Governance and Democracy Structural Adjustment, Good Governance and Democracy Remarks Delivered by Jean-Pierre Le Bouder at the North-South Roundtable on African Debt Relief, Recovery and Democracy Co-sponsors: Parlamentarians for Global Action The African |
9 luglio 1991
- - di: Koenders B.
• Ideas of Follow-Up initiatives Ideas of Follow-Up initiatives On Debt The outcome of the Conference will have to be followed by concrete actions in several parliaments of the World. Parlamentarians for Global Action will make a detailed Report of the Roundtable, |
9 luglio 1991
- - di: Masire Q.K.J.
9 luglio 1991
- - di: Husain Ishrat, Underwood John
• THE DEBT OF SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS THE DEBT OF SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Ishrat Husain John Underwood (1) I. Introduction 1. The countries of Sub.Saharan Africa are the most indebted, relative ti the size of their economies, of all developing |
1 luglio 1991
- - di: Il Partito Nuovo
• »Nessuna nazione può risolvere i suoi problemi da sola »Nessuna nazione può risolvere i suoi problemi da sola SOMMARIO: Il 22 aprile 1991, a Stoccolma, rappresentanti di 29 Stati sottoscrivono un Documento sul »Governo e la Sicurezza Globale . In questo documento, che costituisce una fonte |
1 luglio 1991
- - di: Il Partito Nuovo
• La mancanza di volontà politica causa del sottosviluppo La mancanza di volontà politica causa del sottosviluppo SOMMARIO: Dall'»Human Development Report 1991 , pubblicato dall'UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). (Il Partito Nuovo, n.2, Luglio 1991) Se gli ostacoli allo sviluppo |
21 giugno 1991
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1991/41 RESOLUTION 1991/41 Resolution E91r041 21 June 1991 15th plenary meeting Establishment of regional drug law enforcement countermeasures in the Near and Middle East in the context of socio-economic and cultural development The Economic and |
1 giugno 1991
- - di: Il Partito Nuovo
• Est (e Ovest) contro la libertà dei popoli e il Sud del mondo Est (e Ovest) contro la libertà dei popoli e il Sud del mondo SOMMARIO: In questo dopoguerra la competizione ideologica, politica e militare tra l'Est e (anche) l'Ovest ha avuto luogo a scapito degli interessi innanzitutto dei |
1 giugno 1991
- - di: Il Partito Nuovo
• Non armi, ma tecnologia civile Non armi, ma tecnologia civile SOMMARIO: In questo dopoguerra la competizione ideologica, politica e militare tra l'Est e (anche) l'Ovest ha avuto luogo a scapito degli interessi innanzitutto dei popoli dell'Est e del Centro Europa, e poi di |
31 maggio 1991
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1991/36 RESOLUTION 1991/36 Resolution E91r036 31 May 1991 13th plenary meeting Developments relating to the activities of the Centre for Human Rights of the Secretariat The Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly resolution |
30 maggio 1991
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1991/4 RESOLUTION 1991/4 Resolution E91r004 30 May 1991 12th plenary meeting World social situation The Economic and Social Council, Recalling General Assembly resolutions 2542 (XXIV) of 11 December 1969, 40/100 of 13 December 1985 and 45/87 |
30 maggio 1991
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1991/7 RESOLUTION 1991/7 Resolution E91r007 30 May 1991 12th plenary meeting Monitoring of international plans and programmes of action in the field of social development The Economic and Social Council Recommends to the General Assembly the |
30 maggio 1991
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1991/9 RESOLUTION 1991/9 Resolution E91r009 30 May 1991 12th plenary meeting United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons The Economic and Social Council, Recalling its resolution 1989/52 of 24 May 1989, in which it called upon Member States, |
30 maggio 1991
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1991/11 RESOLUTION 1991/11 Resolution E91r011 30 May 1991 12th plenary meeting Integration of young people into society: participation, development, peace The Economic and Social Council, Considering that the General Assembly in its |
30 maggio 1991
- - di: Economic and Social Council
• RESOLUTION 1991/12 RESOLUTION 1991/12 Resolution E91r012 30 May 1991 12th plenary meeting Strategies for social development cooperation The Economic and Social Council, Reaffirming the Declaration on Social Progress and Development proclaimed by the |
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